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S U P E R I O R C O U RT O F C A L I F O R NI A , C OU N T Y O F S O N O M A F o r C o u r t U s e O nl y P l a i n ti ff : PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Defendant: Date of Birth: ADDENDUM TO MISDEMEANOR ADVISEMENT 226 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE C a se N u m b e r ( s) D e p a r t me nt I N ST RUC T I O N S Initial the box for each applicable item only if you understand it, and sign and date the form. If you have questions about your case, the possible sentences, or the information on this form, ask your attorney or the judge. Be aware the judge may not give yo u l e g a l a dv i c e. As the defendant in the above-entitled case, I personally declare the following: 1. My name and date of birth as listed above are complete, true, and correct. 2. I understand that a conviction in this case may prohibit me from owning, using, or possessing firearms and ammunition within 10 years under Penal Code sections 29805 and 30305. 3. I understand that if I am granted probation, the terms and conditions will include at least all of the following (see Penal Code section 1203.097): (a) A minimum of either 36 months (3 years) or 48 months (4 years) of probation; (b) A criminal court protective order that may include residence exclusion or stay away conditions; (c) Several statutory fines, fees, and assessments, including a domestic violence fee, restitution fine, probation revocation fine (stayed), criminal conviction assessment, court security fee and probation supervision fee; (d) Successful completion of an appropriate batterer222s treatment program lasting at least 52 weeks; (e) Community service; (f) An order to commence and continue education, counseling, or other rehabilitation programs as directed; (g) An order to seek and maintain employment or enroll in educational programing; (h) Restitution to the victim (if applicable); (i) An order to relinquish any firearms in my possession or control; (j) An order to not own, possess, or use any firearms, weapons or ammunition; (k) An order to not possess or consume alcohol and to stay out of any location where I know alcohol is the primary item for sale (e.g., bar, liquor store, winery, brewery); (l) An order to not possess or use any controlled substances or associated paraphernalia without a valid prescription; (m) An order to submit to random chemical testing; and (n) An order to submit to warrantless search and seizure of my person, property or vehicle any time of the day or night or residence any time of the day or reasonable hour of the night by any Probation or Law Enforcement Officer. 4. I understand that a conviction in this case may result in a rebuttable presumption that an award of sole or joint physical or legal custody of a child is detrimental to the best interest of the child under Family Code section 3044. I declare that the initials that appear above are my own and that I have read and understand each statement that I have initialed. Date: Signature: Certificate of Interpreter I declare that I translated the entire contents of this form from English to in the presence of and directly to the above-named defendant and that the defendant wrote on this document in my presence. Date: Signature: MISDEMEANOR ADVISEMENT - DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ADDENDUM FORM Page 1 of 1 American LegalNet, Inc.