Conditions On Release On Own Recognizance
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Conditions On Release On Own Recognizance Form. This is a California form and can be use in Tuolumne Local County.
Tags: Conditions On Release On Own Recognizance, TUO-CR-425, California Local County, Tuolumne
CONDITIONS ON RELEASE ON OWN RECOGNIZANCE Form Adopted for Mandatory Use - Local Rules of the Superior Court of California Page 1 of 1 TUO-CR-425 (Revised ) TUO-CR-425 1.Defendant shall not use nor possess any: controlled substances without a prescription from a medical doctor; alcoholic beverages; firearms or any weapon described in Section 12020(a) of the California Penal Code. 2.Defendant, including his/her person, residence, vehicle, place of employment and any containers or areas subject to his/her immediate control, shall be subject to search by a Peace Officer as follows for: controlled substances and paraphernalia; stolen property; firearms or illegal weapons. other: 3.Defendant shall be subject to blood, breath, or urine testing at any time by a Peace Officer for the presence of: controlled substances; alcohol. 4.Defendant shall attend AA/NA meetings, or some other form of alcohol or drug abuse counseling, at least times per week and show proof to the Court at each scheduled court hearing. 5.Defendant shall comply with all existing court orders, including any criminal protective orders. 6. Other: I have read, understand, and agree to the above-referenced conditions of my release. Dated: Defendant: SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF TUOLUMNE 60 N. Washington Street Sonora, CA 95370 Phone: (209) 533-5563 The People of the State of California, Plaintiff, vs. Defendant. Case Number: CONDITIONS OF RELEASE ON OWN RECOGNIZANCE Space below for use of Court Clerk only American LegalNet, Inc.