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STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS OVERSIGHT GUIDELINES FOR FRANCHISE REGISTRATION DBO 310.111 (Rev. 11-15) STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS OVERSIGHT INSTRUCTIONS FOR CUSTOMER AUTHORIZATION OF DISCLOSURE OF FINANCIAL RECORDS FORM On the reverse is a Customer Authorization of Disclosure of Financial Records form. The Commissioner of Business Oversight is authorized to require such authorities from certain licensees and other persons pursuant to the authority cited in the first paragraph of the form. The form must be properly executed and submitted with the attached application for license, qualification, registration or other authority. All information required on the form, except the signature of the person executing the form, is to be typewritten. If the form requests a Department of Business Oversight file number, the applicant need only provide such number if it is known to the applicant and is the type of file number appropriate for the license, qualification, registration or other authority applied for in the attached application. If additional authorization forms are needed, they may be obtained from any office of the Department of Business Oversight or accurate copies of the form may be utilized by applicants. Page 80 of 83 American LegalNet, Inc. STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS OVERSIGHT GUIDELINES FOR FRANCHISE REGISTRATION DBO 310.111 (Rev. 11-15) STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS OVERSIGHT CUSTOMER AUTHORIZATION OF DISCLOSURE OF FINANCIAL RECORDS Pursuant to Corporations Code section 31111 and Government Code sections 7470 and 7473, any financial institution, wherever situated, possessing financial records of the sale of ________________________, a franchise registered under the California Franchise Investment Law, by Name of Franchise ______________________________________________________________________ Name of Registrant Under the Franchise Investment Law is hereby authorized to disclose to the California Department of Business Oversight records of the sale of the above-named registered franchise whether such records relate to accounts which have been closed, accounts which are currently maintained, or accounts which are hereafter established. This authorization is effective as of the date of execution and shall remain effective until five years after the expiration or revocation of the above-named franchise registration, including renewals of such registration. This authorization may not be revoked. The terms used in this authorization shall have the definitions in the California Right to Financial Privacy Act (Government Code section 7460 et seq.) and the Franchise Investment Law (Corporations Code section 31000 et seq.) The above-named registrant has duly caused this authorization to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. Executed on_____________________20__________, at _______________________________________ __________________________________________ Department of Business Oversight Application Number ________________________________________ Name of Registrant By:__________________________________________ __________________________________________ Title American LegalNet, Inc.