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Notice Of Exemption Under Section 31101 31104 31108 Or 31109 Form. This is a California form and can be use in Blue Sky Secretary Of State.
Tags: Notice Of Exemption Under Section 31101 31104 31108 Or 31109, 310.101, California Secretary Of State, Blue Sky
Department Use Only __________
Fee paid: $ __________________
Receipt No. __________________
A. Department of Corporations
File No. ______________________
(Insert file number(s) of prior filings
with the Department, if any)
NOTICE OF EXEMPTION UNDER SECTION 31101, 31104, 31108, OR 31109
Exemption for which this notice is filed (check one):
( ) Section 31101 ( ) Section 31104 ( ) Section 31108 ( ) Section 31109
Type of Filing (check one):
( ) Initial notice
( ) Consecutive subsequent notice
( ) Amendment
Calendar year for which this notice is filed: ___________
$450 fee
$150 fee
No fee
Name of FILER: ___________________________________________________
Principal business address of FILER: ___________________________________
The above-named company is filing as a (check one):
If FILER is a SUBFRANCHISOR, the name and principal business address of the
FRANCHISOR: ___________________________________________________
Name(s) under which FRANCHISOR does business: ______________________
Name and address of agent in California authorized to receive service of process:
Franchise to be offered:
Name of franchise or subfranchise: ____________________________________
Description of franchised business: ____________________________________
Type of franchise (check one): ( ) Franchise ( ) Subfranchise
Name of franchise or subfranchise: ____________________________________
Description of franchised business: ____________________________________
Type of franchise (check one): ( ) Franchise ( ) Subfranchise
310.101 (Rev. 1/06)
American LegalNet, Inc.
Name, title, telephone number and business address of individual to be contacted by the
Department regarding this notice:
Name: ________________________________________________________________
Title: _________________________________________________________________
Business Address: ______________________________________________________
Telephone: ( ) _______________________________________________________
Date of this notice: ______________________________
Name of Filer
Authorized Signature
Printed Name of Signatory
310.101 (Rev. 1/06)
American LegalNet, Inc.
(b) The following instructions apply to the form and information required by Subsection
(Sectional references are to the California Corporations Code)
General Instructions.
(a) The notice required of persons claiming the exemption under Section 31101, 31104,
31108, or 31109 may be filed at any time after July 1 of the year preceding the calendar year for
which the notice is required to be filed. For example, the notice for the calendar year 2006 may be
filed at any time between July 1, 2005 and December 31, 2005. A notice may be filed in the same
year the exemption is claimed. However, the effective date of the notice will be the date the
completed notice is filed. For example, if a completed notice is filed March 21, 2006, it will be
effective March 21, 2006 through December 31, 2006. The subsequent notice for 2007 should be
filed prior to December 31, 2006 (by the end of the year in which the current notice is effective).
A separate notice must be filed for each calendar year, together with the fee specified in Section
31500(f), prior to any offer or sale of a franchise in this state (other than a "material modification"
[Section 31018(c)], for the exemption under Section 31101, 31104, 31108 or 31109). The notice
for each claimed exemption must be filed only once for each calendar year, even if franchises are
sold to one or more franchisees under the exemption claimed for that calendar year.
(b) If the notice is filed by a subfranchisor (Section 31009), the notice is applicable only to
offers and sales by the subfranchisor filing the notice.
(c) No documents need be filed with the notice.
(d) If the notice form cannot be obtained from the Department, it may be typed on a single
sheet of 8 1/2 inch by 11 inch white bond paper, using one side only. If the space in the form is
insufficient for one or more items, attach a single continuation sheet, designating the continued
information by item number.
(e) Amendments. An amendment should be filed only for material changes in the
information contained in the notice, such as a change in the name under which the franchisor does
business or an addition to Item 3 (e.g., new type of franchise).
2. Instructions for Completing Form.
Heading: (A) Department file number. Insert the file number(s) assigned to the filing
franchisor or subfranchisor in any prior registration filings with the Department under the
Franchise Investment Law.
(B) Exemption used. Check the box to indicate the exemption to be used by the Filer.
(C) Type of filing. Check the box as appropriate to indicate whether the filing is an initial
filing (including a non-consecutive subsequent notice), consecutive subsequent notice, or an
amendment to a notice previously filed for the calendar year specified in the notice.
310.101 (Rev. 1/06)
American LegalNet, Inc.
(D) Calendar year. Indicate the calendar year for which the notice is filed.
Item 1. The information provided in parts (a), (b) and (c) relate to the company filing the
notice (i.e., the "filer") which may be the franchisor or a subfranchisor. If a subfranchisor files the
notice, part (d) must be completed to give the name and business address of the franchisor. Part (e)
must state the names associated with the franchisor's business.
Item 2. If the notice is filed by a subfranchisor, the agent(s) for service of process of both
the franchisor and subfranchisor must be furnished.
Item 3. Specify the name or title given the franchise agreement. Briefly describe the
franchised business (e.g. "restaurant," "retail sales of bicycles"). Check the box to specify whether
the franchise is one to conduct the franchised business (Corp. Code Section 31010) or a
subfranchise (Corp. Code Section 31008.5).
Item 4. Give the name, title, business address and telephone number of the individual the
Department may contact in connection with the notice.
Item 5. The notice shall be signed on behalf of the filing franchisor or subfranchisor by a
person authorized to do so.
3. Filing the Notice.
The notice may be filed, and the fee may be paid, by mail or delivery to any office of the
Department of Corporations. The completed notice is effective when received with the fee
(Section 31101(d), 31108(f), or 31109(e)).
310.101 (Rev. 1/06)
American LegalNet, Inc.