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Articles Of Incorporation Of A Professional Corporation Form. This is a California form and can be use in Corporations Secretary Of State.
Tags: Articles Of Incorporation Of A Professional Corporation, ARTS-PC, California Secretary Of State, Corporations
ARTS-PC Instructions (REV 0/2019) 2019 California Secretary of State Instructions for Completing the Articles of Incorporation of a Professional Corporation (Form ARTS-PC) To form a professional corporation in California, you must file Articles of Incorporation with the California Secretary of State. Before submitting the completed form, contact the California professional state board or agency that controls yourprofession to find out if your profession is authorized to be a professional corporation in California and if there are anyspecific corporate name style rules. For more information, go to the California Department of Consumer Affair websiteat ARTS-PC has been created for ease in filing, however, you can compose your own document, provided it meetsstatutory requirementsBefore submitting the completed form, you should consult with a private attorney for advice about your specificbusiness needs and whether additional article provisions for the corporation are needed.Please note, once filed, all information contained within this form (including addresses) is a public record and isaccessible by the general public.Fees: Filing Fee: The fee for filing Articles of Incorporation of a Professional Corporation is $100.00.Faster Service Fee:- Counter and guaranteed expedite services are available only for documents submitted in person (drop off) to our Sacramento office. - Counter Drop Off: A separate, non-refundable $15.00 counter drop off fee is required if you submit in person (drop off) your completed document at our Sacramento office. The $15.00 counter drop off fee provides priority service over documents submitted by mail. The special handling fee is not refundable whether the document is filed or rejected. - Guaranteed Expedite Drop Off: For more urgent submissions, documents can be processed within a guaranteed timeframe for a non-refundable fee instead of the counter drop off fee. For detailed information about this faster processing service through our Preclearance and Expedited Filing Services, go to Copies: Upon filing, we will return one (1) plain copy of your filed document for free, and will certify the copy upon request and payment of an additional $5 certification fee. To obtain additional copies or certified copies of the filed document, include payment for copy fees and certification fees at the time the document is submitted. Additional copy fees are $1.00 for the first page and $0.50 for each additional page. For certified copies, there is an additional $5.00 certification fee, per copy. Payment Type: Check(s) or money orders should be made payable to the Secretary of State. Do not send cash by mail. If submitting the document in person in our Sacramento office, payment also may be made by credit card (Visa or Mastercard256). Processing Times: For current processing times, go to If you are not completing this form online, please type or legibly print in black or blue ink. Complete the Articles of Incorporation of a Professional Corporation (Form ARTS-PC) as follows: Item Instruction Tips 1. Enter the name of the proposed California Professional C orporation exactly as it is to appear on the records of the California Secretary of State . The proposed name must meet the name - style requirements of the law that governs the profession for which the professional corporation is engaged. For more information, contact the California state board or agency that controls your profession. Th ere are legal limitations on what name can be used for the corporation. For general corporation name requirements and restrictions or for information on reserving a corporation name prior to submitting Form ARTS - PC , go to - availability . American LegalNet, Inc. ARTS-PC Instructions (REV 0/2019) 2019 California Secretary of State A preliminary search of corporation names already of record can be made online through our Business Search at . Please note: The Business Search is not intended to serve as a formal name availability search. For information on che cking or reserving a name, go to - availability . A name reservation is not required to submit Form ARTS - PC. You should contact the California state board or agency that controls your profession to find out if your profession has name restrictions for a California corporation. For more information, go to the California Department of Consumer Affairs website at . 2a. Enter the complete street address , city, state and zip code of the California Professional C The complete street address is required, including the street name and number, city, state and zip code. Address must be a physical address. Do not enter a P.O. Box address , address, or abbreviate the name of the city. 2b. If different from the street address in Item 2a, e nter the California Professional C This address will be used for mailing purposes and may be a P.O. Box address . Do not abbreviate the name of the city. 3. The corporation must have an Agent for Service of Process. There are two types of Agents that can be named: an individual (e.g. officer, director, or any other individual) who resides in California with a physical California street address; OR a registered cor porate agent qualified with the California Secretary of State. An Agent for Service of Process is responsible for accepting legal documents (e.g. service of process, lawsuits, other types of legal notices, etc.) on behalf of the corporation. You must provide information for either an individual OR a registered corporate agent, not both . If using a registered corporate agent, the corporation must have a current agent registration certificate on file with the California Secretary of State as required by Section 1505. 3a & b. If Individual Agent: Enter the name of the initial agent for complete California street address, city and zip code. If an individual is designated as the initial agent, complete Items 3a and 3b ONLY. Do not complete Item 3c . The complete street address is required, including the street name and number, city and zip code. abbreviate the name of the city. Many times, a sm all corporation will designate an officer or director as the agent for service of process. The individual agent should be aware that the name and the physical street address of the agent for service of process is a public record, open to all (as are all the addresses of the corporation provided in filings made with the California Secretary of State .) American LegalNet, Inc. ARTS-PC Instructions (REV 0/2019) 2019 California Secretary of State 3c. If Registered Corporate Agent : Enter the name of the initial registered corporate agent exactly as registered in California. If a registered corporate agent is designated as the initial agent, complete Item 3 c ONLY. Do not complete Items 3 a and 3 b . Before a corporation is designated as agent for another corporation, that corporation must have a current agent registration certificate on file with the California Secretary of State as required by Section 1505 stating the address(es) of the registered corporate agent and the authorized employees that will accept service of process of legal documents and notices on behalf of the corporation. Advance d approval must be obtained from a registered corporate agent prior to designating that corporation as your agent for service of process. No California or foreign corporation may register as a California corporate agent unless the corporation currently is authorized to engage in business in California and is in good standing on the records of the California Secretary of State. registered with the California Secretary of State. To confirm that you ar e providing the exact name of the Registered Corporate Agent, go to . A corporation cannot name itself as agent. 4. Enter the number of shares the California Professional C orporati