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Statement By Common Interest Development Association Form. This is a California form and can be use in Corporations Secretary Of State.
Tags: Statement By Common Interest Development Association, SI-CID, California Secretary Of State, Corporations
Secretary of State Business Programs Division Statement of Information, P.O. Box 944230, Sacramento, CA 94244-2300 Commercial and Industrial Common Interest Developments Effective January 1, 2014 On January 1, 2014, the Commercial and Industrial Common Interest Development Act, commencing with California Civil Code section 6500, was established. (Chapter 605, Statutes of 2013.) This new act affects the statement of information reporting requirements with the California Secretary of State as noted below. When completing the Statement by Common Interest Development Association (Form SI-CID), you must indicate if the association was formed to manage under the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act or the Commercial and Industrial Common Interest Development Act. (California Civil Code sections 5405 and 6760.) Note: If you are unsure which act the association was formed to manage under, please refer to the association's governing documents. SB 752: Annual/Biennial Statements of Information (Rev. 01/01/2014) (916) 657-5448 Instructions for Completing the Form SI-CID Incorporated Associations Every domestic nonprofit corporation formed to manage a common interest development must file a Statement by Common Interest Development Association (Form SI-CID) with the Secretary of State. The statement must be filed within 90 days after the filing of its original Articles of Incorporation, and biennially thereafter together with the Statement of Information (Form SI-100), filed pursuant to Corporations Code section 8210**. If the street address of the association's onsite office or the street address of the responsible officer or managing agent of the association changes, a corporation must file a complete Statement by Common Interest Development Association. A corporation is required to file this statement even though the corporation may not be engaged actively in business at the time this statement is due. ** The corporation must file Form SI-CID together with Form SI-100; however, it is an additional filing and must be accompanied by a separate $15.00 filing fee. Both forms are available on the Secretary of State's website at Unincorporated Associations Every unincorporated association formed to manage a common interest development must file a Statement by Common Interest Development Association, biennially, in the month of JULY. If the street address of the association's onsite office or the street address of the responsible officer or managing agent of the association changes, the association must file a complete Statement by Common Interest Development Association. Upon changing its status to that of a corporation, the association must comply with the filing requirements for incorporated associations. Statutory filing provisions are found in California Civil Code sections 5405(a) and 6760(a), unless otherwise indicated. Please refer to California Civil Code sections 4000, et seq. and 6500, et seq., for additional provisions relating to common interest development associations. Failure to file this Statement by Common Interest Development Association may result in the assessment of a $50.00 penalty and suspension of the association's rights, privileges, and powers as a corporation, to the same extent and in the same manner as the penalty and suspension imposed pursuant to California Corporations Code section 8810. (California Civil Code section 5405(d) and 6760(d); California Revenue and Taxation Code section 19141.) Filing Fees: The fee for filing the Statement by Common Interest Development Association is $15.00. Checks should be made payable to the Secretary of State. If this statement is being filed to amend any information on a previously filed statement and is being filed outside the applicable filing period, no fee is required. Copies: To get a copy of the filed statement, include a separate request and payment for copy fees when the statement is submitted. Copy fees are $1.00 for the first page and $.50 for each additional page. For certified copies, there is an additional $5.00 certification fee, per copy. Complete the Statement by Common Interest Development Association (Form SI-CID) as follows: Item 1. Enter the name of the association or the name of the corporation exactly as it is of record with the California Secretary of State. Item 2A. Check the appropriate box indicating whether the association is INCORPORATED or UNINCORPORATED. Item 2B. Check the box indicating whether this association is formed to manage a DAVIS-STIRLING or a COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL Common Interest Development. The appropriate box must be checked. Item 3. Item 4. Enter the complete street address of the business or corporate office of the association, if any. If the business or corporate office is also the onsite office, also provide a telephone number. Please do not enter a P.O. Box or abbreviate the name of the city. Enter the complete street address and telephone number or email address of the association's onsite office if different from the street address of the business or corporate office, or if there is no onsite office, the address of the association's responsible officer or managing agent of the association. Please do not enter a P.O. Box or abbreviate the name of the city. Enter the name, address and either the daytime telephone number or e-mail address of the president of the association if the association is formed to manage a Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development. The address and telephone number of the president of the association must be different from the address and telephone number of the association's onsite office or managing agent. This information will not be subject to public inspection and will be provided only for governmental purposes and only to members of the Legislature and the Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency upon written request. Enter the name, complete street address, and daytime telephone number of the association's managing agent, if any. The address and telephone number of the managing agent must be different from the address and telephone number of the president of the association. Please DO NOT enter a P.O. Box or abbreviate the name of the city. Enter the county in which the development is physically located. If the boundaries are physically located in more than one county, enter each county. Enter the name of the city in which the development is physically located. If in an uninco