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Amendment To Application For Registration Form. This is a California form and can be use in Limited Partnerships Secretary Of State.
Tags: Amendment To Application For Registration, LP-6, California Secretary Of State, Limited Partnerships
LP-6 State of California Secretary of State Foreign Limited Partnership Amendment to Application for Registration A $30.00 filing fee must accompany this form. IMPORTANT � Read instructions before completing this form. This Space For Filing Use Only File Number 1. CA Secretary of State File Number Entity Name (Enter the exact name of the limited partnership.) 2. Name Under Which the Foreign Limited Partnership Conducts Business in California Items 3 through 13: (Complete ONLY the items to be amended or added by this filing. Attach additional pages, if necessary. Any other matters to be included may be made on an attachment to this document. Any attachments are incorporated herein by this reference and made part of this document.) Entity Name as amended (Complete Item 3 if the actual name of the foreign limited partnership has changed in the foreign jurisdiction AND include a certificate from an authorized public official in the foreign jurisdiction, certifying that the limited partnership is in good standing and that the name was changed according to the laws of that jurisdiction. Complete Item 4 if amending or adding an alternate name in California. See instructions.) 3. 4. Name of Foreign Limited Partnership As Amended in the Foreign Jurisdiction Alternate Name (See instructions before completing Item 4.) Entity Addresses 5a. Street Address of Principal Office 5b. Mailing Address of Principal Office, if different from Item 5a 6. Address of Office Required in the Jurisdiction of Formation, if any City City City State State State Zip Code Zip Code Zip Code Agent for Service of Process (If the agent is an individual, complete both Items 7 and 8. If the agent is a corporation, complete Item 7 and leave Item 8 blank.) 7. 8. Name of Agent for Service of Process If an individual, Street Address of Agent for Service of Process in CA City State Zip Code CA General Partner Information (New Partner, Address Change, Name Change, and/or Withdrawn Partner(s)) 9. New Name Address City State Partner Zip Code Zip Code 10. Address Change Name From: Name: Address To: Name: City State 11. Name Change 12. Withdrawn Partner(s) Foreign Limited Liability Limited Partnership 13. Check this box if the foreign limited partnership is a foreign limited liability limited partnership. Execution (This document must be signed by at least one general partner of the foreign limited partnership. If additional signature space is necessary, the signatures may be made on an attachment to this document.) 14.I declare I am the person who executed this instrument, which execution is my act and deed. By signing this document I affirm under penalty of perjury that the facts stated are true. Signature of General Partner LP-6 (REV 12/2014) Type or Print Name of General Partner APPROVED BY SECRETARY OF STATE Instructions for Completing the Amendment to Application for Registration (Form LP-6) Where to File: For easier completion, this form is available on the Secretary of State's website at and can be viewed, filled in and printed from your computer. The completed form along with the applicable fees can be mailed to Secretary of State, Document Filing Support Unit, P.O. Box 944225, Sacramento, CA 94244-2250 or delivered in person (drop off) to the Sacramento office, 1500 11th Street, 3rd Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814. If you are not completing this form online, please type or legibly print in black or blue ink. This form is filed only in the Sacramento office. Legal Authority: Statutory filing requirements are found in California Corporations Code section 15909.06. All statutory references are to the California Corporations Code, unless otherwise stated. Note: Signing Form LP-6 constitutes an affirmation under penalty of perjury that the facts stated in the document are true. (Section 15902.08(b).) Additional Requirement: If the name of the foreign limited partnership has changed, attach to Form LP-6 a valid certificate by an authorized public official of the jurisdiction where the foreign limited partnership was organized, certifying that the limited partnership is in good standing and that the name was changed according to the laws of that jurisdiction. If the laws of that jurisdiction do not permit the issuance of that certificate, include a statement with Form LP-6 to that effect. Fees: The fee for filing Form LP-6 is $30.00. A non-refundable $15.00 special handling fee is applicable for processing documents delivered in person (drop off) at the Sacramento office. The preclearance and/or expedited filing of a document within a guaranteed time frame can be requested for an additional non-refundable fee in lieu of the special handling fee. Detailed information about preclearance and expedited filing services is available at The special handling fee or preclearance and expedited filing services are not applicable to documents submitted by mail. Check(s) should be made payable to the Secretary of State. Copies: Upon filing, we will return one (1) uncertified copy of your filed document for free. To get additional copies, include a separate request and payment for copy fees when the document is submitted. Copy fees are $1.00 for the first page and $.50 for each additional page. For certified copies, there is an additional $5.00 certification fee, per copy. Complete the Amendment to Application for Registration (Form LP-6) as follows: Item 1. Item 2. Enter the file number issued to the foreign limited partnership by the California Secretary of State. Enter the name of the foreign limited partnership exactly as it is of record with the California Secretary of State. Note: If the foreign limited partnership is registered in California under an alternate name, enter the alternate name of the foreign limited partnership. Complete ONLY the items to be amended or added by this filing. Attach additional pages, if necessary. Any other matters to be included may be made on an attachment to Form LP-6, provided that the information is not inconsistent with law. Any attachments are incorporated by reference and made part of Form LP-6. Item 3. Item 4. Enter the name of the foreign limited partnership as amended in the foreign jurisdiction. Enter an alternate name meeting the requirements of Section 15901.08 if: Items 3 - 13. The amended name of the foreign limited partnership in Item 3 does not comply with the requ