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Changes to California Business Entity Filings (Updated May 15, 2013) As of January 1, 2013, new legal requirements apply to business entity documents filed with the California Secretary of State's office. Entity Addresses All formation/registration documents must include the business entity street address and mailing address. All foreign corporation and foreign limited liability company registration documents must include the street address of the principal business office address in California, if one exists. Agent Address All documents listing an individual person as an agent for service of process must include the agent's California street address. A post office box address is not acceptable. All documents listing a corporation as a California registered corporate agent must not list an address. The corporate agent's address is already on file. Certificate to Register as a Corporate Agent All corporate agents filing a certificate pursuant to California Corporations Code section 1505 must include the California street address where process may be served. A post office box address for a California registered corporate agent will not be accepted on any document. Future File Date Requests All future file date requests for corporation and limited liability company documents must be included within the document submitted or as an attachment to be made part of the filed document. Copy Requests The Secretary of State will no longer endorse and certify customer-provided copies. However, a customer who submits documents with a filing fee of $25.00 or more will receive one (1) uncertified copy of the documents for free and, at the time of filing, the free copy may be certified for a $5.00 certification fee. Customers requesting additional copies will be charged $1.00 for the first page and $0.50 for each additional page. Each certified copy requires an additional $5.00 certification fee. Note: While domestic stock and foreign corporations are required to pay a total of $25.00 when filing the required Statement of Information, the total fees include a $20.00 filing fee and a $5.00 disclosure fee. Therefore, customers requesting copies of a Statement of Information (corporation or limited liability company) must include the copy fees described above. SB 1532 - Business Entities Filings (REV. 05/2013) REG. NO. State of California Secretary of State REGISTRATION OF UNINCORPORATED NONPROFIT ASSOCIATION PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA CORPORATIONS CODE SECTION 21300 Instructions: 1. 2. Complete and mail to: Secretary of State, Document Filing Support Unit, P. O. Box 944225, Sacramento, CA 94244-2250 (916) 657-5448 Include filing fee of $10.00 per box checked below. This space For Filing Use Only Association includes any lodge, order, beneficial association, fraternal or beneficial society, historical, military, or veterans organization, labor union, foundation, or federation, or any other society, organization, or association, or degree, branch, subordinate lodge, or auxiliary thereof. Registration For: Name Association Name Insignia Alteration Cancellation Street or Mailing Address City and State Zip Code Nature of Alteration (If Any): Description of Insignia, which may include badge, motto, button, decoration, charm, emblem, or rosette: Attach Facsimile: I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that I am a chief officer of the association; that I am authorized to act on behalf of the association with respect to completing and submitting this application; that the information contained in this application is true and correct. Signature of Officer Date Signature of Additional Officer (Optional) Date Typed Name and Title Sec/State Form LP/UNA 128 (Rev. 03/2005) Typed Name and Title Secretary of State Business Programs Division 1500 11 Street, 3 Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 th rd Business Entities (916) 657-5448 EXPANSION OF PRECLEARANCE AND EXPEDITED FILING SERVICES (Effective Monday, October 2, 2006) We are pleased to announce that our preclearance and expedited filing services have been expanded to include all business entity documents filed with the Secretary of State pursuant to the California Corporations Code, the California Financial Code or the California Insurance Code. These services, previously offered only for specified corporate documents, are now available for all corporate, limited liability company and limited partnership documents, including interspecies mergers and conversions, and for all other documents filed by other entity types. In addition, the number of copies required to be submitted for the preclearance service has been reduced from two to one. Preclearance service provides a customer with the opportunity to submit a business entity document in person to the Secretary of State's Sacramento office prior to filing to determine if the document conforms to law and to receive a preclearance response within a guaranteed time frame. Expedited filing service provides a customer with the opportunity to submit for filing a business entity document in person to the Secretary of State's Sacramento office and to receive a filing response within a guaranteed time frame. Please refer to the Secretary of State's website at for detailed information regarding the preclearance and expedited filing services. Authority cited: Title 2, California Code of Regulations, sections 21904 and 21905; and Government Code section 12182. PRECEXP NOTICE (10/2006)