Lobbying-Application For CAL-Online Logon And Password
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Lobbying-Application To Obtain Logon ID Number And Password To File Online Or Electronically Form. This is a California form and can be use in Political Reform Division Secretary Of State.
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Tags: Lobbying-Application To Obtain Logon ID Number And Password To File Online Or Electronically, California Secretary Of State, Political Reform Division
LOBBYING 226 APPLICATION FOR CAL-ONLINE LOGON AND PASSWORD 1. Type of filer for which ID and password are requested for: (check one) Lobbying Firm Lobbyist Employer / Coalition Lobbyist Payment to Influence Filer Client of a Lobbying Firm 2. The filing entity222s name for which an ID number and password are requested is: Full N ame Phone ID# (if known) Street A ddress City State Zip C ode Responsible Officer ( Required , unless filer is a Lobbyist) 3. I am submitting this application as a: (check one) Responsible Officer Lobbyist Other (specify) 4. I am entitled to file lobbying activity documents on behalf of the above entity or person, and hereby apply for the issuance of a logon ID number and a password in order to file lobbying activity documents online/electronically. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on: Date Printed N ame Signature X Phone Email A ddress Fax (if applicable) 5. Return password information via: Email Fax Number NOTE: Any online or electronic filing, by an approved vendor or otherwise, is presumed to be filed under penalty of perjury (Government Code 24784605(h)). Fax application to 916-653-5045 or Email to PASSWORDREQUEST@SOS.CA.GOV Questions?: Email passwordrequest@sos.ca.gov or call the Cal-Online Help Desk 877-745-3453. Reset Form Print Form American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com