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JL-1 Notice Of Judgment Lien Form. This is a California form and can be use in Uniform Commercial Code Secretary Of State.
Tags: JL-1 Notice Of Judgment Lien, JL-1, California Secretary Of State, Uniform Commercial Code
JL FILING INSTRUCTIONS Please type or laser-print information on this form. Be sure information provided is legible. Read all instructions and follow them completely. Complete the form very carefully as mistakes may have important legal consequences. Do not insert anything in the open space in the upper right portion of this form as it is reserved for filing office use. Do not staple or otherwise mutilate the barcode in the upper left corner of the document, this will render the barcode ineffective. To provide the requester with an acknowledgment of filing, the original and a duplicate copy of the notice must be presented for filing. This Notice of Judgment Lien must be filed according to provisions of Section 697.510 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Section A: Section B: To assist filing office communication with the filer, information in this section should be provided. Enter name and mailing address of requester in this section. This is required information. Enter the exact legal name of the organization or the name of the individual that is the debtor appearing on the court judgment. Use the judgment lien addendum to add additional judgment debtor names. Enter the last known mailing address of the judgment debtor. Enter the exact legal name of the organization or the name of the individual that is the creditor appearing on the court judgment. Use the judgment lien addendum for additional judgment creditor names. Enter the last known mailing address of the judgment creditor. Enter information from the court judgment. Enter the amount of the court judgment adjusted for interest and payments to the date of the notice. The date of the statement will normally be the date the notice is executed. The signature of either the judgment creditor or the judgment creditor's attorney is required. (Section 697.550, Code of Civil Procedure) If the individual signing the statement signs on behalf of a law firm, which is the attorney of record, the name of the law firm should be entered BENEATH, not above, the signature. If the signature is for a judgment creditor, which is an entity, the name of the entity should be entered BENEATH, not above, the signature of the person signing for the judgment creditor. The Judgment Lien must be submitted with a filing fee of ten dollars ($10.00) if the original document is two pages or less and twenty dollars ($20.00) if the original document is three pages or more. Please send a check made payable to the Secretary of State. DOCUMENTS NOT ACCOMPANIED BY THE FILING FEE WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. When properly completed, send payment, and the original and a duplicate copy of the notice to: Secretary of State P.O. Box 942835 Sacramento, CA 94235-0001 ITEM 1a or 1b: ITEMS 1c: ITEM 2a or 2b: ITEMS 2c: ITEM 3A-E: ITEM 3F: ITEM 3G: ITEM 4: 2001 � American LegalNet, Inc. JUDGMENT LIEN ADDENDUM INSTRUCTIONS This form is to be used for listing additional judgment debtors and/or creditors to the NOTICE OF JUDGMENT LIEN. Please type or laser-print information on this form. Be sure information provided is legible. Read all instructions and follow them completely. Complete the form very carefully as mistakes may have important legal consequences. Attach this ADDENDUM to the completed NOTICE OF JUDGMENT LIEN. ITEM 5: Provide the name of the judgment debtor shown in Item 1 of the original NOTICE OF JUDGMENT LIEN. Provide only one name by completing either 5a or 5b, as applicable. ITEMS 6, 7, 8:To add additional debtor names to the judgment lien record, enter the appropriate information in Item 6, 7 or 8, as needed. For each of these items, enter either an organization name or an individual name, not both. Provide the complete mailing address for each judgment debtor. ITEMS 9, 10: To add additional creditor names to the judgment lien record, enter the appropriate information in Item 9 or 10, as needed. For each of these items, enter either an organization name or an individual name, not both. Provide the complete mailing address for each judgment creditor. 2001 � American LegalNet, Inc. NOTICE OF JUDGMENT LIEN FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY (front and back of form ) A. NAME & PHONE OF FILER'S CONTACT (optional) B. SEND ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO: (NAME AND ADDRESS) THIS SPACE FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY 1. JUDGMENT DEBTOR'S EXACT LEGAL NAME �Insert only one name, either 1a or 1b. Do not abbreviate or combine names. 1a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME 1b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 1c. MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE POSTAL CODE COUNTRY 2. JUDGMENT CREDITOR'S NAME� Do not abbreviate or combine names. 2a . ORGANIZATION'S NAME 2b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE SUFFIX 2c.. MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE POSTAL CODE COUNTRY 3. ALL PROPERTY SUBJECT TO ENFORCEMENT OF A MONEY JUDGMENT AGAINST THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR TO WHICH A JUDGMENT LIEN ON PERSONAL PROPERTY MAY ATTACH UNDER SECTION 697.530 OF THE CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE IS SUBJECT TO THIS JUDGMENT LIEN. A. Title of court where judgment was entered: ____________ B. Title of the action: _________ C. Number of this action:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date judgment was entered: Date of subsequent renewals of judgment (if any): Amount required to satisfy judgment at date of this notice: $ Date of this notice: ______ ___________________ ___ ___________________ D. E. F. G. 4. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct: ___________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE � SEE INSTRUCTION NO. 4 Dated: _________________________________ (If not indicated, use same as date in item 3G.) FOR: ______________________________________________________________ FILING OFFICE COPY NOTICE OF JUDGMENT LIEN (FORM JL1) (Rev. 6/01) Approved by the Secretary of State 2001 � American LegalNet, Inc. . JUDGMENT LIEN ADDENDUM FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY (FRONT AND BACK OF FORM) 5. NAME OF JUDGMENT DEBTOR: (NAME OF FIRST DEBTOR ON RELATED JUDGMENT LIEN) 5a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME 5b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 6. ADDITIONAL JUDGMENT DEBTOR � insert only one name (6a or 6b): 6a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME 6b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 6c. MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE POSTAL CODE COUNTRY 7. ADDITIONAL JUDGMENT DEBTOR � insert only one name (7a or 7b): 7a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME 7b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 7c. MAILING ADDRESS CI