Declaration Of Readiness To Proceed To Expedited Hearing (Trial)
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Declaration Of Readiness To Proceed To Expedited Hearing (Trial) Form. This is a California form and can be use in EAMS Forms Workers Comp.
Tags: Declaration Of Readiness To Proceed To Expedited Hearing (Trial), DWC-CA 10208.3., California Workers Comp, EAMS Forms
DWC-WCAB form 10208.3 Page 1 (Rev. 4/2014) STATE OF CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION WORKERS' COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARD DECLARATION OF READINESS TO PROCEED TO EXPEDITED HEARING (TRIAL)[Labor Code section 5502(b) ] VS ApplicantThe Declarant requests that this case be set for expedited hearing and decision on the following issues:Employer Information NOTICE: Any objection to the proceedings requested by a Declaration of Readiness to proceed shall be filed and served within ten (10) days after service of the Declaration. Zip Code City Employer Street Address/PO Box (Please leave blank spaces between numbers, names or words) Employer Name (Please leave blank spaces between numbers, names or words) Last Name MI First Name Case No. Declarant states under penalty of perjury that he or she has made the following specific, genuine, good faith efforts to resolve the dispute(s) listed above: Entitlement to medical treatment per Labor Code � 4600, except issues determined pursuant to Labor Code �� 4610 and 4610.5. Entitlement to temporary disability, or disagreement on amount of temporary disability. Whether there is a properly established MPN in which the employee may obtain treatment. (If requested, this will be the only issue heard at the hearing.) See Labor Code �� 4603.2(a)(3); 5502(b)(B). Entitlement to compensation is in dispute because of a disagreement between employers and/or carriers. State Declarant states under penalty of perjury that there is a bona fide dispute; that he/she is presently ready to proceed to hearing; that his/her discovery is complete on said issues. Declarant�s Signature DWC-WCAB form 10208.3 Page 2 (Rev. 4/2014) Phone Number Address (Please leave blank spaces between numbers, names or words) Name of declarant or name of the law firm of the declarant (Print or Type)MM/DD/YYYY Date