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Request For Reconsideration Of Summary Rating By The Administrative Director Form. This is a California form and can be use in EAMS Forms Workers Comp.
Tags: Request For Reconsideration Of Summary Rating By The Administrative Director, DWC-AD 103 (DEU), California Workers Comp, EAMS Forms
This form may be used by an unrepresented employee or his or her employer to request that the Administrative Director determine whether a permanent disability rating issued by the Disability Evaluation Unit should be reconsidered pursuant to Labor Code section 4061(g).A request for reconsideration may be granted if it is shown that the Qualified Medical Evaluator (QME) or Primary Treating Physician (PTP) has failed to address all issues, failed to completely address issues, failed to follow the medical evaluation procedures promulgated by the Administrative Director, or if the rating was incorrectly calculated. This procedure is applicable only to injuries occurring on or after 1/1/91. Please verify that you sent a copy of this request to the other party (employee or claims administrator) by filling out the proof of service below after reading the instructions on the reverse side.This request must be submitted within thirty (30) days of receipt of the rating.Administrative Director Division of Workers' Compensation Attn: Summary Rating Reconsideration P.O. Box 420603 San Francisco, CA 94142(1)This completed form; (2)Other information supporting the request. INCLUDE:SEND TO: Employee Employer / Adjusting AgencyDWC-AD form103 (DEU) Page 1 (Rev. 11/2008)DEU103DIVISION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION OF SUMMARY RATING BY THE ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTOR MI Last Name First Name Zip Code City International Address (Please leave blank spaces between numbers, names or words) Street Address 2/PO Box (Please leave blank spaces between numbers, names or words) Street Address 1/PO Box (Please leave blank spaces between numbers, names or words) Street Address 1/PO Box (Please leave blank spaces between numbers, names or words) Name (Please leave blank spaces between numbers, names or words) Zip Code City State State REASON(S) FOR REQUEST: (Check reason and explain below. Attach additional sheets if necessary.) Reconsideration of Summary Rating is being requested by:PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL (Instructions on next page) Onby placing a true copy enclosed in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid, and deposited in the U.S. Mail. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.Name MM/DD/YYYYDWC-AD form103 (DEU) Page 2 (Rev. 11/2008)SignatureDEU103 SSN (Numbers Only) Claim Number Date of Injury QME/PTP failed to address all issues Evaluation procedures not followed by QME/PTP QME/PTP failed to completely address issues Rating was incorrectly calculated Explanation Disability Evaluation Unit Case Number Injured worker Employer/Adjusting Agency , I served a copy of this Request for Reconsideration of Summary Rating on Address Zip Code City State INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAILComplete the Proof of Service By Mail PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL (SAMPLE)OnI served a copy of this Request for Reconsideration of Summary Rating onAddress/PO Box (Please leave blank spaces between numbers, names or words)CityStateZip Code(name of employee or claims administrator)by placing a true copy enclosed in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid, and deposited in the U.S. Mail. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.Signature # 1# 2 # 3 # 4 1) List on line #1 the date on which you mailed this form.2) If you are the Injured Employee, list on line #2 the name of the Insurance Carrier or Claims Adjusting Agency handling your case. If you are the Insurance Carrier/Claims Adjusting Agency, list the name of the Injured Employee.3) List on line #3 the mailing address for the Insurance Carrier/Claims Adjusting Agency or Injured Employee you listed on line #2.4) Sign your name on line #4. MM/DD/YYYYDEU103DWC-AD form103 (DEU) Page 3 (Rev. 11/2008)