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Application For Disability Insurance Elective Coverage Form. This is a California form and can be use in EDD Forms Workers Comp.
Tags: Application For Disability Insurance Elective Coverage, DE 1378DI, California Workers Comp, EDD Forms
Application For Disability Insurance Elective Coverage (DIEC) Complete this application only if you meet the requirements as set forth in the attached Information Concerning Elective Coverage. NOTE: For assistance in completing this application, contact the nearest Employment Tax Office or call 888-745-3886. Upon completion of this application, return to: Attention: Analysis Resolution and Correspondence Organization Employment Development Department PO Box 2068 Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-2068 For Department Use Only DIEC Approved: 708(b) 708.5 DIEC Account # Subject Quarter -- -- Effective Date: -- Send Forms DE 2515, DE 3816DI Date Forms Sent: DE 3DI Qtr(s) __________________________ Approved By: Approval Date: Rev/Reg By: Rev/Reg Date: Please type or print all information clearly. 1. -- Social Security Number* -- 2. Employer Account Number -- -- 3. Gender Male Female 4. Year of Birth 5. First Name Middle Initial Last Name 6. Have you applied for elective coverage before? Yes No If yes, Mo. Yr. 7. Mailing Address: Number and Street or PO Box City ZIP Code 8. Business Name: (If Any) Business Phone ( ) ZIP Code 9. Business Address: Number and Street or PO Box City 10. Email Address: 11. Website: 12. Do you have any employees? Yes No Corporation - Do not submit, corporate officers are employees and covered under the State Disability Insurance Program. General Partnership (includes husband and wife co-owners who are both active in the operation and management of the business). Individual Limited Partnership - only general partner may apply Limited Liability Partnership � only general partners may apply Limited Liability Company � Partnership Limited Liability Company � Sole Proprietorship Managing Member 14. Name(s) and Title of All Partners and Members (continue on another page if necessary) General Partners/Members Social Security Number* Limited Partners/Managing Members Social Security Number* If yes, and you are not registered with the Employment Development Department (EDD) as an employer, please explain: 13. Type of Organization: 15. Nature of Business: Retail Trade 16. Your Occupation/Title Contracting Service Manufacturing Wholesale Trade Repairing Other (describe) 17. Describe the Type of Service, Type of Contracting, or Product Sold. 18. Is a license or permit required in your trade, business, or occupation? If yes, indicate type of license or permit required: Yes No Do you possess such a valid and active license? Yes No Provide License/Permit Number 19. Are you conducting a seasonal type of business? YES NO If yes, do not submit. You are not eligible for this coverage. See information sheet attached. 20. Do you expect to remain in business for the next eight (8) calendar quarters? Yes If no, explain. No If no, do not submit. You are not eligible for this coverage. See information sheet attached. 21. Do you perform services in your trade, business, or occupation continuously throughout the year? (include time spent doing office work, soliciting customers, and maintaining machinery and equipment.) Yes No *The disclosure of your Social Security number is mandatory under the Federal Tax Reform Act of 1976. DE 1378DI Rev. 44 (11-16) (INTERNET) Page 1 of 4 American LegalNet, Inc. CU 22. How long have you performed services as a self-employed individual, partner, or member? ________ Year(s) _______ Month(s) If less than 1 year, give date business started _______ / _______ / _______ 23. Do you perform your services under a written contract or agreement? Yes (Please attach copy) or (Explain oral agreement in #32) No 24. Is the major part of your service(s) performed for any specific firm or individual? Yes No If yes, explain services performed as an employee. If yes, identify the business name and address. 25. Have you previously worked as an employee for a firm for which you are now performing services? Yes No 26. If you are self-employed, and also an employee, do you receive the major part of your income from your self-employment? Yes If yes, what percentage? _________% No If no, explain major source of remuneration. 27. If you were self-employed during the last two years, what was your net profit as shown on your IRS schedule SE, line 3? If you have never filed a schedule se with the IRS, did you have net profit in excess of $4,600 last year? Yes No If you have been in business for less than one year, did your average net profit exceed $1,150 per quarter? Yes No If you just started a business, do you expect to earn a net profit of at least $1,150 per quarter through the end of the year? Yes No Please submit copies of your IRS schedule SE for the last two years. If only in business one year, enter zero for the other year. If you answered no to all three questions, do not submit this application until you earn the required minimum net profit in your trade, business, or occupation. 28. Were you convicted of a misdemeanor under the California Unemployment Insurance Code (CUIC) during the last eight (8) calendar quarters? (See attached information sheet) Yes No $ Year Net Profit Year $ Net Profit 29. Do you presently have an illness or disability which prevents you from currently performing all your regular and customary services in connection with your trade, business, or occupation? (Do not file application if you are currently disabled.) Yes No If yes, did you file a claim for benefits? Yes No If yes, did you file a claim for benefits? Yes No When did you resume your usual duties? _______ / _______ / _______ 30. Have you been disabled or off work to bond with a new child or to care for a seriously ill family member during the last three months? Yes No 31. On what date do you wish elective coverage to commence? Keep in mind that the commencement date of an elective coverage agreement shall not be prior to the first day of the calendar quarter in which the application is filed, nor later than the first day of the following calendar quarter. First Day of Current Quarter First Day of Next Quarter 32. Additional Information (Use this space to more fully discuss the above questions) DECLARATION I, the undersigned, declare that the statements made on this application are true and correct to my best knowledge and belief. I understand that providing false information will result in denial or termination of coverage. I hereby elect and make application to have my services considered as employment subject to the CUIC for State Disability Insurance only. I hereby aut