Notice Regarding Workers's Compensation Dependency Benefits
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Notice Regarding Workers's Compensation Dependency Benefits Form. This is a California form and can be use in General Workers Comp.
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Tags: Notice Regarding Workers's Compensation Dependency Benefits, DWC-500G, California Workers Comp, General
Employee Dependent
City, State, Zip
Deceased Employee
Date of Injury
Claims Administrator
City, State, Zip
Telephone Number
Claim Number
(Claims Administrator's Name)
is handling the workers' compensation dependency claim on behalf of
This notice is to advise you of the status of dependency benefits for the workers' compensation injury of
A copy of this and all notices will be sent to all claimants. Only the items completed below concern the
benefits at this time.
Payments are
being resumed for the period from
The first payment is
sent separately. Benefits vary according to the number of dependents
and the degree of dependency. These benefits have been calculated as follows:
. Payments
will be sent to you every two weeks on
and will continue until
. You
may also be entitled to reimbursement of up to $
for burial expenses.
You are entitled to any benefits which were due and payable to (deceased employee)
before (his/her)
death. (He/She)
was entitled to
. These benefits are
I am not able to determine whether benefits are due at this time because
. In order to make a decision, I need
. I expect to make a decision on or before
sent separately.
. I will contact you at that time.
Prior to the death of (deceased employee)
benefits had accrued, but were not paid. Based on available information, I am unable to determine if you are
eligible for these benefits. To reach a decision, I need
I expect to make a decision on or before
. I will contact you at that time.
Payments are ending because
Benefits paid to you total $
at $
and were paid from
per week.
Please see the attached for (additional) periods paid.
Additionally, we paid $
Included in this amount is an overpayment totalling $
is being asserted against
. Credit for the overpayment
The State of California requires that you be given the following information: If you disagree with the
decision, you may consult with a State Information and Assistance Officer at 1-800-736-7401 or call your
local Information and Assistance Officer at
. You may also consult with and be
represented by an attorney, and/or apply to have your case heard by the Workers' Compensation Appeals
If you have questions, call me at
, Claims Examiner
DWC 500-G
Benefits Pamphlet
Applicant's Attorney
Employee Claim Form
Payment Record
2002 © American LegalNet, Inc.