Notice Of Filing Amended Chapter 13 Plan Deadline For Filing Objections And Hearing On Confirmation Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
Notice Of Filing Amended Chapter 13 Plan Deadline For Filing Objections And Hearing On Confirmation Form. This is a Colorado form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
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Tags: Notice Of Filing Amended Chapter 13 Plan Deadline For Filing Objections And Hearing On Confirmation, LBF 3015-1.8, Colorado Federal, Bankruptcy Court
LOCAL BANKRUPTCY FORM 3015-1.8 [Caption as in Bankruptcy Official Form No. 16B] NOTICE OF FILING AMENDED CHAPTER 13 PLAN, DEADLINE FOR FILING OBJECTIONS, AND HEARING ON CONFIRMATION OBJECTION DEADLINE: (month/day/year) . YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the debtor filed an amended chapter 13 plan on (month/day/year) , docket number ___. A copy of the amended chapter 13 plan is attached. A (non-evidentiary/evidentiary) hearing on confirmation has been set for (month/day/ year) at (time) at the U. S. Bankruptcy Court, U.S. Custom House, 721 19th Street, Courtroom (_), Fifth Floor, Denver, Colorado 80202. If you wish to oppose confirmation of the amended chapter 13 plan you must file with the court a written objection and request for a hearing on or before the objection deadline stated above , and serve a copy thereof on the undersigned attorney. Pursuant to L.B.R. 3015-1, objections must clearly specify the grounds upon which they are based, including the citation of supporting legal authority, if any. General objections will not be considered by the court. Unless otherwise ordered, previously filed objections to any prior chapter 13 plan are deemed moot and new objections must be timely filed addressing this amended plan. If no objections are filed, the amended plan may be confirmed without a hearing, upon the debtor's filing of a Verification of Confirmable Plan pursuant to L.B.R. 3015-1. [If evidentiary] If objections to confirmation are filed, witness and exhibit lists must be filed and exhibits exchanged by (month/day/year) * pursuant to L.B.R. 9070-1. Dated: _____________________ By: _________________________________ Counsel to ___________________________ Attorney registration number (if applicable) Business address (or home address for pro se) Telephone number Facsimile number E-mail address CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned hereby certifies that a true and correct copy of the Amended Chapter 13 Plan dated (month/day/year) , docket no. ___, and the Notice of Filing Amended Chapter 13 Plan, Deadline for Filing Objections Thereto, and Hearing on American LegalNet, Inc. Confirmation were served by placing the same in the United States Mail, first class postage pre-paid, this (month/day/year) . to the following: Commentary All deadlines and hearing dates and times should be provided in bold type face. L.B. Form 3015-1.8 may be used to provide notice of an amended chapter 13 plan if the court has provided the debtor with a new objection date and new hearing on confirmation date. L.B. Form 3015-1.8 must be served on the following: chapter 13 trustee, debtor and all creditors and parties in interest, or as otherwise ordered by the court. American LegalNet, Inc.