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Statement Of Registration For A General Partnership Form. This is a Colorado form and can be use in Partnership Secretary Of State.
Tags: Statement Of Registration For A General Partnership, Colorado Secretary Of State, Partnership
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Statement of Registration for a General Partnership
filed pursuant to §7-90-301, et seq. and §7-60-144 or §7-64-1002 of the Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S)
1. Entity name:
(The entity name of a limited liability partnership shall contain the term or abbreviation
"limited liability partnership", "registered limited liability partnership", "limited",
"llp", "l.l.p.", "rllp", "r.l.l.p.", or "ltd.".)
2. True name:
(if different from the Entity name)
3. Principal office street address:
(Street name and number)
__________________________ ____ ____________________
(Postal/Zip Code)
(Province – if applicable)
4. Principal office mailing address:
(if different from above)
(Country – if not US)
(Street name and number or Post Office Box information)
__________________________ ____ ____________________
(Postal/Zip Code)
(Province – if applicable)
5. Registered agent:
(if an individual):
(Country – if not US)
____________________ ______________ ______________ _____
OR (if a business organization):
6. The person appointed as registered agent in the document has consented to being so appointed.
7. Registered agent street address:
(Street name and number)
8. Registered agent mailing address:
(if different from above)
(Postal/Zip Code)
(Street name and number or Post Office Box information)
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American LegalNet, Inc.
__________________________ ____ ____________________
(Postal/Zip Code)
(Province – if applicable)
(Country – if not US)
9. Use of Restricted Words (if any of these
terms are contained in an entity name, true
name of an entity, trade name or trademark
stated in this document, mark the applicable
10. (Optional) Delayed effective date:
“bank” or “trust” or any derivative thereof
“credit union”
“savings and loan”
“insurance”, “casualty”, “mutual”, or “surety”
Causing this document to be delivered to the secretary of state for filing shall constitute the affirmation or
acknowledgment of each individual causing such delivery, under penalties of perjury, that the document is the
individual's act and deed, or that the individual in good faith believes the document is the act and deed of the
person on whose behalf the individual is causing the document to be delivered for filing, taken in conformity
with the requirements of part 3 of article 90 of title 7, C.R.S., the constituent documents, and the organic
statutes, and that the individual in good faith believes the facts stated in the document are true and the
document complies with the requirements of that Part, the constituent documents, and the organic statutes.
This perjury notice applies to each individual who causes this document to be delivered to the secretary of
state, whether or not such individual is named in the document as one who has caused it to be delivered.
11. Name(s) and address(es) of the
individual(s) causing the document
to be delivered for filing:
____________________ ______________ ______________ _____
(Street name and number or Post Office Box information)
__________________________ ____ ____________________
(Province – if applicable)
(Postal/Zip Code)
(Country – if not US)
(The document need not state the true name and address of more than one individual. However, if you wish to state the name and address
of any additional individuals causing the document to be delivered for filing, mark this box
name and address of such individuals.)
and include an attachment stating the
This form, and any related instructions, are not intended to provide legal, business or tax advice, and are
offered as a public service without representation or warranty. While this form is believed to satisfy minimum
legal requirements as of its revision date, compliance with applicable law, as the same may be amended from
time to time, remains the responsibility of the user of this form. Questions should be addressed to the user’s
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Rev. 01/01/2008
American LegalNet, Inc.