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Affidavit For Decree Without Appearance Of Parties Form. This is a Colorado form and can be use in Domestic Relations Statewide.
Tags: Affidavit For Decree Without Appearance Of Parties, JDF 1201, Colorado Statewide, Domestic Relations
JDF 1201 R 2 - 1 8 AFFIDAVIT FOR DECREE WITHOUT APPEARANCE OF PARTIES Page 1 of 2 District Court County, Colorado Court Address: In re the Marriage of: Petitioner: a nd Co - Petitioner/Respondent: COURT USE ONLY Attorney or Party Without Attorney (Name and Address) : Phone Number: E - mail: FAX Number: Atty. Reg. #: Case Number: Division Courtroom AFFIDAVIT FOR DECREE WITHOUT APPEARANCE OF PARTIES (MARRIAGE) Please complete the appropriate information in Numbers 1 7 prior to filing with the Court. The Petitioner and/or Co - Petitioner/Respondent files this A ffidavit in support of a request for issuance of a Decree of Dissolution of Marriage or a Decree of Legal Sep a ration without appearance of the parties. 1. The Petition for Dissolution of Marriage /Petition for Legal Separation was filed on (date). On that date, Petitioner and/or Co - Petitioner/Respondent (name) had been domiciled in Colorado for more than 91 days immediately before the P etition for Dissolution of Marriage /Petition for Legal Separation was filed. 2. The Petition and Summons were served by: (check one) A Co - Petitioner filing. (When both parties sign the Petition JDF 1101) Personal service (service by Return of Service/Affidavit of Service) on (date). Waiver of service (Respondent signs Waiver to accept service) signed on (date). Publication/Certified Mail ( Note: Service by either of these methods is only allowed by Court Order.) The publication occurred on ( date ) OR the return receipt for Certified Mail was signed by the Respondent on (date). 3. There are no minor child(ren) and a party to the marriage is not presently expecting a child . O r There are minor child(ren) and each party is represented by counsel . T he parties have completed a P arenting P lan that provides for the allocation of parental responsibilities (d ecision - making responsibilities and parenting time) and have reached an agreement with respect to child support , and medical/dental insurance of the child(ren) of th e marriage. T he Parenting Plan is in the best interests of the child (ren) . (The Parenting Plan must be filed with the Court.) 4. Check only one. The parties have signed a written S eparation A greement . The parties have completed a Separation A greement that provides for the division of all marital property and marital debts, and addresses spousal support/maintenance . Th e parties agree that the S eparation A greement is fair and not unconscionable O r There is no marital property to be divided and there are no marital debts and neither party requests spousal support /maintenance. 5. Petitioner Co - Petitioner/Respondent acknowledge (s) that they have reviewed the mainte nance guidelines contained in 24714 - 10 - 114, C.R.S. 6. T he parties agree that t here are no genuine issues of material fact and the marriage is irretrievably broken. 7. The Petitioner Co - Petitioner/Respondent wishes to have the prior full name of restored. The restoration of the prior name will not defraud any creditors or injure third parties. American LegalNet, Inc. JDF 1201 R 2 - 1 8 AFFIDAVIT FOR DECREE WITHOUT APPEARANCE OF PARTIES Page 2 of 2 8. Other: The Petitioner and/or Co - Petitioner/Respondent request that the attached Decree of Dissolution of Marriage /Decree of Legal Separation be entered after the statutory waiting period has elapsed. By checking this box, I am acknowledging I am filling in the blanks and not changing anything else on the form. By checking this box, I am acknowledging that I have made a change to the original content of this form. VER IFI CATION I declare under penalty of perjury under the law of Colorado that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on the day of , , at (date) (month) (year) (city or other location, and state OR country ( P rinted name of Petitioner) Signature of Pe titioner Address City State Zip Code Home Phone # Cell Attorney Signature, if any VERIFICATION I declare under penalty of perjury under the law of Colorado that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on the day of , , at (date) (month) (year) (city or other location, and state OR country ( P rinted name of Co - Petitioner /Respondent ) Signature of Co - Petitioner / Respondent Address City State Zip Code Home Phone # Cell Attorney Signature, if any CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ( If only one party signs this Affidavit, you must complete the Certificate of Service below.) I certify that on (date) a true and accurate copy of the AFFIDAVIT FOR DECREE WITHOUT APPEARANCE OF PARTIES (MARRIAGE) was served on the other party by: Hand Delivery, E - filed, Faxed to this number , or by placing it in the United States mail, postage pre - paid, and addressed to the following: To: (Your signature) American LegalNet, Inc.