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JDF 405 R 6 / 1 8 CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT TO MAGISTRATE County Court District Court County, Colorado Court Address: Plaintiff(s)/Petitioner(s): v. Defendant(s)/Respondent(s): COURT USE ONLY Attorney or Party Without Attorney (Name and Address): Phone Nu mber: E - mail: FAX Number: Atty. Reg. #.: Case Number: Division Courtroom CONSENT OR OBJECT TO ASSIGNMENT TO MAGISTRATE PURSUANT TO COLORADO RULES FOR MAGISTRATES My name is , (After reading carefully, check one of the boxes below.) I am a Plaintiff /Petitioner in this case. I am counsel for a Plaintiff /Petitioner in this case. I am a Defendant /Respondent in this case. I am co unsel for a Defendant /Respondent in this case. (Attorneys only) I represent the following party or parties: IMPORTANT N OTICE Each Plaintiff /Petitioner and Defendant /Respondent in a case must fill out a separate C onsent or Object form. You cannot C onsent or O bject Spouses /Partner s in a Civil Union cannot C onsent or Object for each other. I do consent to a M agistrate presiding at all hearings and rulings on all motions or the (name of proceeding) in this case. I understand that if I do not consent, the case will be handled by the ass igned Judge . I also understand that if I do consent, I cannot withdraw my consent at a later time. I object to a M agistrate presiding at all hearings and rulings on all motions or the (name of proceeding) in this case. I unde rstand that if I object , the case will be handled by the assigned J udge . Date: Signature CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on (date) an original was filed with the Court and a true and accurate copy of the CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT TO MAGISTRATE was served on the other party by: Hand Delivery, E - filed, Faxed to this number , or by placing it in the United States mail, postage pre - paid, and addressed to the following: To: Your signature American LegalNet, Inc.