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Decree Of Dissolution Of Marriage Or Legal Separation Form. This is a Colorado form and can be use in Domestic Relations Statewide.
Tags: Decree Of Dissolution Of Marriage Or Legal Separation, JDF 1116, Colorado Statewide, Domestic Relations
District Court ___________________________ County, Colorado Court Address: In re the Marriage of: Petitioner: ______________________________________ and Co-Petitioner/Respondent:__________________________ Division Courtroom COURT USE ONLY Case Number: DECREE OF DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE OR LEGAL SEPARATION This matter was reviewed by the Court on __________________________ (date). Petitioner Appeared in person Signed a Non-Appearance Affidavit Was represented by an attorney Attorney Name: Co-Petitioner Respondent Appeared in person Did not appear Signed a Non-Appearance Affidavit Was represented by an attorney Attorney Name: The Court has read the Non-Appearance Affidavit. The Court has considered the testimony and evidence presented. The Court has considered any Financial Statements filed and makes the following findings and orders: 1. The Court has jurisdiction over the parties because: The parties filed jointly on ________________________ (date). The Respondent ___________________________________ (name) was served with a Summons on _____________________ (date) in ___________________________ (county). The Respondent signed a waiver of service on ________________________ (date). The Court has subject-matter jurisdiction based on publication on _________________________ (date). Other jurisdiction . 2. At least one party was domiciled in Colorado for more than 91 days before the Petition was filed. 3. At least 91 days have passed since the Court acquired jurisdiction over the Co-Petitioner or Respondent or since the Court acquired jurisdiction over the subject matter based on publication. 4. The marriage between the parties is irretrievably broken. 5. The Separation Agreement between the parties is found to be not unconscionable as to support, maintenance (spousal support), and division of property, and is incorporated herein. All provisions in the Parenting Plan regarding the children are in the best interests of the children, including residence, allocation of parental responsibility (including decision-making responsibilities and parenting time), and any other orders necessary to effectuate the best interests of the children. 6. 7. The name change request is not detrimental to any person. Page 1 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. JDF 1116 R7-13 DECREE OF DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE OR LEGAL SEPARATION � 2012, 2013 Colorado Judicial Department for use in the Courts of Colorado The Court therefore orders: The marriage is dissolved and a Decree of Dissolution of Marriage is entered. A Decree of Legal Separation is entered. Either party may apply to convert this decree to a Decree of Dissolution of Marriage after 182 days has passed and the other party has been given written notice of the request. Each party shall perform all of the applicable provisions of the separation agreement or permanent orders. The or Separation Agreement (Marriage) filed on ____________________ (date) is incorporated into this Decree. Has been read into the record and will be reduced to writing and filed on or before ____________ (date). The Parenting Plan (Marriage) filed on _______________________ (date) is incorporated into this Decree. or The or Court has entered permanent orders, which will be reduced to writing and filed, on or before ____________________________ (date). It is or in the best interests of the parties that the Court has entered a Decree, even though there are no permanent orders on this date. Permanent orders are set forth below: Any Support Order entered will become part of this Decree. A Protection/Restraining Order was issued on _______________ (date). The Protection/Restraining Order is: Vacated. Continued to ______________________ (date) pursuant to �13-14-106(1)(c), C.R.S. No changes have been made to the existing Protection/Restraining Order Changes have been made to the existing Protection/Restraining Order, as follows. If the Protection Order has been modified, the party requesting the modification must serve a copy of the modified Temporary or Permanent Protection Order, as applicable, on the other party. The ________________________ is granted a restoration of the prior name _________________________. Other: Date: ________________________________ ______________________________________ Judge Magistrate JDF 1116 R7-13 DECREE OF DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE OR LEGAL SEPARATION � 2012, 2013 Colorado Judicial Department for use in the Courts of Colorado Page 2 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc.