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Motion For Clerk Of Court To Transfer Title Pursuant To CRCP 70 Form. This is a Colorado form and can be use in Domestic Relations Statewide.
Tags: Motion For Clerk Of Court To Transfer Title Pursuant To CRCP 70, JDF 1814, Colorado Statewide, Domestic Relations
JDF 1814 R 3/18 MOTION FOR CLERK OF COURT TO TRANSFER TITLE PER C.R.C.P. 70 Page 1 of 2 District Court County, Colorado Court Address: In re the Marriage of: In re the Civil Union of: Petitioner: and Co - Petitioner/Respondent: COURT USE ONLY Attorney or Party Without Attorney (Name and Addres s) : Phone Number: E - mail: FAX Number: Atty. Reg. #: Case Number: Division Courtroom MOTION FOR CLERK OF COURT TO TRANSFER TITLE PURSUANT TO C.R.C.P. 70 The P etitioner Respondent/Co - Petitioner requests this Court to issue an Order permitting the Clerk of Court to execute necessary documents to transfer title pursuant to C.R.C.P. 70. In support of this M otion , I state as follows: 1. On (date) in (na me of order) the Court ordered the Petitioner Respondent/Co - Petitioner to transfer title to the following property to me: A. Motor Vehicles and/or Recreation Vehicles Year Make Model VIN# B. Real Estate and Other Property Type of Property Legal Description of Property 2. The other party has been requested to execute the necessary documents to transfer title, but has failed or refused to do so. 3. All orders are final and, to my knowledge, there is no reason why the title should n ot be transferred to me immediately. 4. Other: American LegalNet, Inc. JDF 1814 R 3/18 MOTION FOR CLERK OF COURT TO TRANSFER TITLE PER C.R.C.P. 70 Page 2 of 2 Therefore I, (n ame) request that the Court issue an Order permitting the Clerk of Court to execute the necessary documents to transfer title to the property described above to me. By checking this box, I am acknowledging I am filling in the blanks and not changing an ything else on the form. By checking this box, I am acknowledging that I have made a change to the original content of this form. SIGNATURE ( P rinted name of Petit i oner) Signature of Petitioner Date Address City State Zip Code Telephone number (home) Telephone number (work) (Printed name of Co - Petitioner Respondent) Signature of Co - Petitioner/Respondent Date Add ress City State Zip Code Telephone number (home) Telephone number (work) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on (date) the original and one copy of this document were filed with the Court; and, a true and accurate copy of the Motion for Clerk of Court to Transfer Title Per C . R . C . P . 70 was served on the other part y by: Hand Delivery, E - filed, Faxed to this number: , or by placing it in the United States mail, postage pre - paid, and addressed to the following: To: Your signature American LegalNet, Inc.