Notice Of Domestic Relations Status Conference
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Notice Of Domestic Relations Status Conference Form. This is a Colorado form and can be use in Domestic Relations Statewide.
Tags: Notice Of Domestic Relations Status Conference, JDF 1121, Colorado Statewide, Domestic Relations
JDF 1121 R 8 - 17 NOTICE OF DOMESTIC RELATIONS STATUS CONFERENCE District Court Denver Juvenile Court County, Colorado Court Address: In re the Marriage of: In re the Civil Union of: In re the Parental responsibilities concerning: Petitioner: and Co - Petitioner/ Respondent: COURT USE ONLY Attorney or Party Without Attorney (Name and Address): Phone Number: E - mail: FAX Number: Atty. Reg. #: Case Number: Division Cou rtroom NOTICE OF DOMESTIC RELATIONS STATUS CONFERENCE To: Petitioner or Co - Petitioner /Respondent and attorney of record: You are notified that a Status Conference has been set in this matter in the District Court or Denver Juvenile Court, Division/Courtroom , at the above court address on (date) at (time). The conference is scheduled wi th Court Facilitator Magistrate Judge . Date: Signature The Court does not have a fam ily waiting area, so please do not bring children to the status conference. If you bring children, your status conference may be vacated and you will have to reschedule. Parties requiring a language interpreter must contact the Managing Interpreter corresp onding to the district in which the case will be heard at least seven days before this conference. A language interpreter may only interpret what is said betwee n parties during a hearing and immediately prior to or after the hearing. A language interprete r may not provide legal advice or any other service that is not related to interpreting. Interpreters may not provide any services that may constitute a violat ion of Interpreters can be viewed at . CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on (date) a true and accurate copy of the NOTICE OF DOMESTIC RELATIONS STATUS CONFERENCE was served on the other party by: Hand Delivery, E - Filed, or Faxed to this number or by placing it in the United States mail, postage pre - paid, and addressed to the following: To: Your Signature American LegalNet, Inc.