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Order Appointing Decision-Maker Pursuant To Section 14-10-128.3, C.R.S. Form. This is a Colorado form and can be use in Domestic Relations Statewide.
Tags: Order Appointing Decision-Maker Pursuant To Section 14-10-128.3, C.R.S., JDF 1327, Colorado Statewide, Domestic Relations
District Court Denver Juvenile Court
___________________________ County, Colorado
Court Address:
In re:
The Marriage of:
Parental Responsibilities concerning:
Case Number:
This matter is before the Court on the parties’ Stipulation Regarding Appointment of Decision-Maker pursuant to
§14-10-128.3, C.R.S.
Finding in the best interests of the child(ren), the Court hereby appoints as Decision-Maker (DM):
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Telephone #: ___________________ Fax #: ____________________ Email: _____________________________
Information about the child(ren):
Full Name of Child
Date of Birth
Information about the Petitioner:
Date of Birth: ___________________________
Name: ___________________________________________
Attorney: _______________________________
Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
City & Zip: _______________________________________________________
Home Phone #: ___________________ Work Phone #: __________________ Cell #: _____________________
Information about the Co-Petitioner/Respondent:
Date of Birth: ___________________________
Name: ___________________________________________
Attorney: _______________________________
Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
City & Zip: _______________________________________________________
Home Phone #: ___________________ Work Phone #: __________________ Cell #: _____________________
Responsibilities of the Decision-Maker:
1. The DM shall comply with the requirements of §14-10-128.3, C.R.S., and any other applicable statutes or
Chief Justice Directive(s), and any other practice or ethical standards established by rule, statute, or licensing
board that regulates the Decision-Maker. You are required within seven days of your appointment, to disclose
to each party, attorneys of record, and the court any familial, financial, or social relationship that the appointed
person has or has had with the child, either party, the attorneys of record, or the judicial Officer. (JDF1338)
© 2012 Colorado Judicial Department for use in the Courts of Colorado
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2. The DM has binding authority to resolve disputes between the parties as to the implementation or clarification
of existing orders concerning:
Parenting Time
Child support
Specific disputed parental decisions as described below:
as set forth in:
Temporary Order entered by the Court on _________________________ (date).
Permanent Order entered by the Court on _________________________ (date).
Post Decree Order entered by the Court on _________________________ (date).
Other _______________________________________________________________________________
3. The DM’s decisions must be consistent with the substantive intent of the existing court order.
4. The DM’s procedures for making determinations shall be in writing and shall be approved by the parties prior
to the time the DM begins to resolve a dispute of the parties.
5. Decisions of the DM shall be filed by the DM with the Court and mailed to the parties or to counsel for the
parties, if any, no later than 21 days after the date the decision is issued. All decisions shall be effective
immediately upon issuance and shall continue in effect until vacated, corrected, or modified by the DM or
Court order.
Responsibilities of the Parties:
1. Each party, or their counsel, shall initiate contact with the DM within ______ days from the date of this Order.
Each party and counsel shall confer with the DM when and as the DM directs, and shall otherwise cooperate
fully with the DM.
2. Counsel for ____________________ or the pro se party ______________________shall provide the DM with
all court orders, and all documentation currently in the court file related to the issues before the DM.
3. The parties or their counsel are responsible for providing information concerning other cases which have a
relationship to this case when requested to do so by the DM.
Release of Confidential Information:
The parties shall sign any releases necessary to assist the DM; and the DM may request the Court to issue any
other necessary order for release of information.
The DM is granted quasi-judicial immunity while acting within the course and scope of his/her appointment.
Termination of the Decision-Maker’s Appointment:
1. This appointment shall terminate on __________________________ (date). The Court shall maintain the
discretion to terminate this appointment at any time for good cause.
2. Upon agreement of the parties, the Court may extend, modify, or terminate the appointment. The Court shall
allow the DM to withdraw at any time.
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Payment of Costs and Fees in Favor of the Decision-Maker:
The Court hereby finds that the fees of the DM, plus mileage and costs are reasonable and necessary. Any
objection to these fees and costs shall be made in writing and filed with the Court within 14 days of the date of this
Order. The DM’s fees are in the nature of child support as the role of the DM is to work with the parties on
parenting issues and/or child support issues that affect or may affect the best interests of the child(ren).
After considering the financial resources and/or other equitable circumstances of the parties, the Court apportions
the payment of the retainer, fees, and costs as follows:
1. The DM’s hourly rate is $____________ and he/she requires $_____________ for the initial retainer.
The Petitioner will pay the DM directly the amount of $__________ or ______ % to be applied toward the
initial retainer on or before ___________________ (date).
The Co-Petitioner/Respondent will pay the DM directly the amount of $__________ or ______ % to be
applied toward the retainer on or before ______________________ (date).
2. Thereafter, the DM shall bill his/her hourly rate of $__________ against the initial retainer, and fees and costs
in excess shall remain apportioned as set forth above and shall be paid within 30 days of the date billed,
unless otherwise ordered by the Court or agreed between the parties.
The Court maintains the discretion to reallocate the appointment of fees.
The Decision-Maker shall not commence work until the retainer is satisfied in full and the Decision-Maker
shall apprise the Court within 14 days of his/her inability to proceed with the case because of nonpayment. Upon notification to the Court, the Court may set a forthwith hearing which will require the
mandatory appearance of the non-paying party. Failure of either party to comply with this Order will
result in sanction by the Court which may include up to six months in the County Jail or a $1,000.00 fine.
Date: ________________________________
Judge Magistrate
I certify that on __________________ (date), I mailed, faxed, e-filed, or hand-delivered a copy of this Order to the
Attorney for Petitioner or Petitioner pro se
Attorney for Co-Petitioner/Respondent or Co-Petitioner/Respondent pro se
© 2012 Colorado Judicial Department for use in the Courts of Colorado
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American LegalNet, Inc.