Order Re Pleading Affidavit For Grandparent Visitation
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Order Re Pleading Affidavit For Grandparent Visitation Form. This is a Colorado form and can be use in Domestic Relations Statewide.
Tags: Order Re Pleading Affidavit For Grandparent Visitation, JDF 1702, Colorado Statewide, Domestic Relations
Page 1 of 2 JDF 1702 R 6 /1 4 ORDER FOR GRANDPARENT /GREAT - GRANDPARENT VISITATION District Court Denver Juvenile Court County, Colorado Court Address: In re: The Marriage of: The Civil Union of: Parental Responsibilities concerning: Petitioner: and Co - Petitioner/Respondent: and concerning: Grandparent(s) Great - grandparent(s) Intervenor(s) : COURT USE ONLY Case Number: Division Courtroom ORDER RE: PLEADING AFFIDAVIT FOR GRANDPARENT GREAT - GRANDPARENT VISITATION This matter comes before the Court on a Verified Pleading Affidavit for Grandparent Great - grandparent Visitation filed on (date) and/or hearing on ( date). The Court has examined the records and evidence presented and has heard the testimony and statements of the parties and makes the following Findings and Orders : 1. Visitation is is not i n the best interests of the child(ren ). 2. Visitation is d enied for the following reasons: 3. Visitation is granted and is as follows: Date: Judge Magistrate American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Page 2 of 2 JDF 1702 R 6 /1 4 ORDER FOR GRANDPARENT /GREAT - GRANDPARENT VISITATION CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on (date), I delivered a copy of this Order to the following: Petitioner and/or Petitioner : Hand - Delivered, E - filed, or Mailed to: Co - Petitioner/Respondent and/or Co - Petitioner/Respondent : Hand - Deliver ed, E - filed, or Mailed to: Grandparent(s)/Grandparent(s) Attorney : Hand - Delivered, E - filed, or Mailed to: Great - Grandparent(s)/Gr eat - Grandparent(s) Attorney : Hand - Delivered, E - filed, or Mailed to: Other : Hand - Delivered, E - filed, or Mailed to: Clerk Signature: American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com