Order To Convert Decree Of Legal Separation To Decree Of Dissolution
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Order To Convert Decree Of Legal Separation To Decree Of Dissolution Form. This is a Colorado form and can be use in Domestic Relations Statewide.
Tags: Order To Convert Decree Of Legal Separation To Decree Of Dissolution, JDF 1322, Colorado Statewide, Domestic Relations
District Court ___________________________ County, Colorado Court Address: In re the Marriage of: Petitioner: and Co-Petitioner/Respondent: Division Courtroom ORDER TO CONVERT DECREE OF LEGAL SEPARATION TO DECREE OF DISSOLUTION COURT USE ONLY Case Number: This matter comes before this Court on the Petitioner's Co-Petitioner's/Respondent's (check one) Motion to Convert Decree of Legal Separation to Decree of Dissolution of Marriage pursuant to �14-10-120(2), C.R.S.. The Court has reviewed the file and considered the Motion, and any response filed. The Court, being fully advised, finds and orders the following: 1. The Court entered a Decree of Legal Separation in this case on ___________________________ (date). 2. At least six months have passed since the entry of the Decree of Legal Separation. 3. Proper notice of the Motion to Convert Decree of Legal Separation to Decree of Dissolution of Marriage was given to the other party. 4. The Motion is GRANTED. 5. The terms of any Court approved Separation Agreement, parenting plan, and/or support order are hereby incorporated into this Decree of Dissolution of Marriage. 6. The request to restore name is not detrimental to any person. The Petitioner CoPetitioner/Respondent is granted a restoration of the prior name ___________________________________. Date: ________________________________ ______________________________________ Judge Magistrate CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I certify that on ___________________ (date), I mailed/faxed/handed this Order to the following: Petitioner Petitioner's Attorney, if applicable Co-Petitioner/Respondent Co-Petitioner/Respondent's Attorney, if applicable. _________________________________ Clerk JDF 1322 R5/05 ORDER TO CONVERT DECREE OF LEGAL SEPARATION TO DECREE OF DISSOLUTION American LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.com