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JDF 141 3-12 Notice to Quit Mobile Home Tenancy Contrary to Rules And Regulations of Park Page 1 of 1 NOTICE TO QUIT MOBILE HOME TENANCY CONTRARY TO RULES AND REGULATIONS OF PARK (Please Type or Print Legibly) To: Pursuant to 247 38-12-202(1)(c)(I)C.R.S., you are hereby notified by the undersigned owner that your tenancy of the mobile home described below is terminated 30 days from (date) at (time) and you are accordingly notified to vacate said premises thereof on or before said date and time. Street Address CityZipCodeCounty Space#/Location The grounds for termination are as follows: Above referenced mobile home is being leased to, or occupied by, persons other than its owner in violation of the rules and regulations of the landlord. Name of park Date: Landlord/Owner By: Agent or Attorney CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I served this Notice to Quit on (date) in (County), Colorado by my selection below: By leaving a true copy with (Full Name) who is the Tenant, other person occupying such premises, or a amily above the age of fifteen years and residing on or in charge of the premises (Full Name of Person) By posting on the front entrance of the mobile home. Signature American LegalNet, Inc.