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Writ Of Garnishment In Aid Of Writ Of Attachment Form. This is a Colorado form and can be use in Garnishment Statewide.
Tags: Writ Of Garnishment In Aid Of Writ Of Attachment, CRCP 33, Colorado Statewide, Garnishment
FORM 33 SC R 8 /1 8 WRIT OF GARNISHMENT IN AID OF WRIT OF ATTACHMENT Page 1 of 2 County Court District Court County, Colorado Court Address: Plaintiff(s)/Petitioner(s): v. Defendant(s)/Respondent(s): COURT USE ONLY Attorney or Party without Attorney (Name and Address): Phone Number: E - mail: FAX Number: Atty. Reg. #: Case Number: Division Courtroom WRIT OF GARNISHMENT IN AID OF WRIT OF ATTACHMENT Defendant in Attachment's name, last known address , other identifying information: 1. Original Amount of Claim $ 2. Plus any Interest Due on Claim ( currently % pe r a nnum from (date)+ $ 3. Taxable Costs (including estimated cost of service of this Writ) + $ 4. Less any Amount Paid - $ 5. Principal Balance/Total Amount D ue and Owing = $ VERIFICATION I declare under penalty of perjury under the law of Colorado that I am authorized to act for the Plaintiff in Attachment and the above answers are true and correct. Executed on the day of , , at (date) (month) (year) (city or other location, and state OR country Printed name of Plaintiff in Attachment Address of Plaintiff in Attachment: City State Zip Code By: Printed name and Title of Person Answering Si gnature of Person Answering Address: City State Zip Code Phone WRIT OF GARNISHMENT THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO to the Sheriff of any Colorado County or to any person 18 years or older and not a party to this action: You are directed to serve a copy of this Writ of Garnishment upon , Garnishee, with proper return of service to be made to the Court. TO THE GARNISHEE: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AS GARNISHEE IN THIS ACTION AND ORDERED: a. To answer the following questions under oath and file your answers with the Clerk of the Court ( AND to mail a completed copy with your answer to the Plaintiff in Attachment or attorney when a stamped envel ope is attached) within 14 days following service of this Writ upon you. YOUR FAILURE TO ANSWER THIS WRIT MAY RESULT IN THE ENTRY OF A DEFAULT AGAINST YOU . American LegalNet, Inc. FORM 33 SC R 8 /1 8 WRIT OF GARNISHMENT IN AID OF WRIT OF ATTACHMENT Page 2 of 2 b. To hold pending court order any personal property (other than earnings of a natural person) owed t o or owned by the Defendant in Attachment and in your possession or control on the date and time this Writ was served upon you. YOU ARE NOTIFIED: a. This Writ applies to all personal property (other than earnings of a natural person) owed to or owned by the Defendant in Attachment and in your possession or control as of the date and time this Writ was served upon you. b. In no case may you withhold any personal property greater than the amount on Line 5 on the front of this Writ unless the personal property is incapable of being divided. c. If you are ordered to pay funds to the Court, tender your check for the amount ordered PAYABLE TO THE CLERK OF THE COURT AT , CO CLERK OF THE COURT By Deputy Clerk: Date: QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED BY GARNISHEE The following questions MUST be answered by you : a. On the date and time this Writ was served upon you, did you possess or control any personal property of the Defendant in Attachment or did you owe any rents, payments, obligations, d ebts or moneys other than earnings to the Defendant in Attachment? YES NO b. If YES to question a , list all items of personal property and their location(s) and/or describe the nature and amount of the debt or obligation: (Attach additional pages if necessary): c. Do yo u claim any setoff against any property, debt or obligation listed above? YES NO d. If you answered YES to question c, describe the nature and amount of the setoff claimed: (Attach additional pages if necessary): VERIFICATION I declare under penal ty of perjury under the law of Colorado that I am authorized to act for the Garnishee and the above answers are true and correct. Executed on the day of , , at (date) (month) (year) (city or other location, and state OR country Printed name of Garnishee Address of Garnishee: City State Zip Code Phone By: Printed name of Person Answering Signature of Person Answering American LegalNet, Inc.