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Affidavit Of Service Form. This is a Colorado form and can be use in General Statewide.
Tags: Affidavit Of Service, JDF 98, Colorado Statewide, General
County Court District Court
__________________ County, Colorado
Court Address:
Attorney or Party Without Attorney (Name and Address):
Case Number:
Phone Number:__________ E-mail:_________________________
FAX Number:___________ Atty. Reg. #:______________________
Division ______ Courtroom ______
I declare under oath that I am 18 years or older and not a party to the action and that I served
_____________________________________________________ (identify title of documents) on the Defendant
in __________________________ (name of County/State) on ___________________ (date) at ________ (time)
at the following location:
By handing the documents to a person identified to me as the Defendant:
name of person served).
identifying the documents, offering to deliver them to a person identified to me as the Defendant who
refused service, and then leaving the documents in a conspicuous place.
By leaving the documents at the Defendant’s usual place of abode with ________________________ (Name
of Person) who is a member of the Defendant’s family and whose age is 18 years or older. (Identify family
By leaving the documents at the Defendant’s usual workplace with _____________________________ (Name
of Person) who is the Defendant’s secretary, administrative assistant, bookkeeper, or managing agent. (Circle title
of person served.)
leaving the documents with ___________________________________ (Name of Person), who as
__________________________ (title) is authorized by appointment or by law to receive service of process for the
By serving the documents as follows (other service permitted by C.R.C.P 4(g) or C.R.C.P. 304(c)(d) and (e):
For Eviction Cases Only.
I have made diligent efforts such as ______________________________________________________ (list
personal service attempts) but have been unable to make personal service on the Defendant(s) and I have
made service of the within summons and complaint by posting a copy of them in a conspicuous place upon
the premises described therein.
I have charged the following fees for my services in this matter:
Private process server
Sheriff, _________________________County
Fee $ ____________ Mileage $ __________
Signature of Process Server
Name (Print or type)
Subscribed and affirmed, or sworn to before me in the County of ______________________, State of _______________, this
___________ day of _______________, 20 _______.
My Commission Expires: ________________________
Notary Public
JDF 98
American LegalNet, Inc.