Order To Seal Pursuant To Section 18-13-122(10), CRS
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Order To Seal Pursuant To Section 18-13-122(10), CRS Form. This is a Colorado form and can be use in Juvenile Delinquency-Dependency-Neglect Statewide.
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Tags: Order To Seal Pursuant To Section 18-13-122(10), CRS, JDF 314, Colorado Statewide, Juvenile Delinquency-Dependency-Neglect
County Court _______________________County, Colorado
Court Address:
State of Colorado
Case Number:
Defendant: ____________________________________
ORDER TO SEAL PURSUANT TO §18-13-122(10), C.R.S.
The Court having read the Petition to Seal Pursuant to §18-13-122(10), C.R.S., and examining the
record, finds that the Defendant has not been arrested for, charged with, or convicted of any felony,
misdemeanor, or petty offense since the conviction on ______________________ (date), and that the
referenced record is eligible for sealing.
Information about the Defendant:
Date of Birth: __________________________________
Current Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________
City, State, and Zip Code: __________________________________________________________
The Court orders the following pursuant to §18-13-122(10), C.R.S.:
1. The following information shall be sealed:
Date of Offense
Name of Law Enforcement Agency
Arrest Number
2. The Court directs the Clerk of Court to seal this county court case.
3. The Defendant or his/his attorney shall mail a copy of this Order to the following agencies to seal
their records associated with this case:
District Attorney
Law Enforcement Agency (Identify name of agency): ______________________________________
Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV)
Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI)
State Court Administrator’s Office, 1726 Cole Blvd. Building #22, Suite 300, Golden, CO 80401:
Attn: Records Sealed
Other: _______________________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Judge Magistrate
I certify that on ___________________________ (date), I mailed this Order to the following:
Defendant’s Attorney
JDF 314 R3/07
ORDER TO SEAL PURSUANT TO §18-13-122(10), C.R.S.
American LegalNet, Inc.