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Application For Informal Appointment Of Special Administrator Pursuant To Section 15-12-614 CRS Form. This is a Colorado form and can be use in Probate Statewide.
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Tags: Application For Informal Appointment Of Special Administrator Pursuant To Section 15-12-614 CRS, JDF 924, Colorado Statewide, Probate
JDF 924 SC R 6 /1 9 APPLICATION FOR INFORMAL APPOINTMENT OF SPECIAL ADMINISTRATOR Page 1 of 5 District Court Denver Probate Court County, Colorado Court Address: I n the Matter of the Estate of : Deceased COURT USE ONLY Attorney or Party Without Attorney (Name and Address): Phone Number: E - mail: FAX Number: Atty. Reg. #: Case Number: Division Courtroom APPLICATION FOR INFORMAL APPOINTMENT OF SPECIAL ADMINISTRATOR PURSUANT TO 247 1 5 - 12 - 614, C.R.S. The a pplicant , an interested person pursuant to 247 15 - 10 - 201 (27) , C.R.S. , makes the following statements: 1. Information about the a pplicant : Name: Relationship to Decedent Street Address : City: State: Zip Code: Mailing Address, if different: City: State: Zip Code: Primary Phone: Alternate Phone: Email Address: 2. The d ecedent , , died on (date) at the age of years. The d ecedent was domiciled or resided in the City of County of , the State of . 3. Venue for this proceeding is proper in this county because the d ecedent: had his or her domicile or residence in this county on the date of death. d id not have his or her domicile or residence in Colorado, but had property located in this county on the d ate of death. 4. This a pplication is filed within the time period permitted by law. Three years or less have passed since the d , or circumstances described in 247 15 - 12 - 108, C.R.S. authorize tardy probate or appointment. 5. The a pplicant: has not received a D emand for N otice of Filings or Orders and is unaware of any D emand for N otice of Filings or Orders concerning Decedent. has received or is aware of a D emand for N otice of Filings or Orders concerning decedent . See attached D emand for Notice of Filings or Orders or explanation . 6. No court has appointed a p ersonal r epresentative and no such appointment proceeding is pending in this state or elsewhere. American LegalNet, Inc. JDF 924 SC R 6 /1 9 APPLICATION FOR INFORMAL APPOINTMENT OF SPECIAL ADMINISTRATOR Page 2 of 5 A court has appointed a p ersonal r epresentative or an appointment proceeding is pending in the State of . ( Attach a statement explaining the circumstances and indicating the name and address of the p ersonal r epresentative. Attach a certified copy of the appointing document if the appointment has been finalized . ) 7. Except as may be disclosed in an attached explanation and after the exercise of reas onable diligence, the a pplicant is unaware of any instrument revoking the w i ll and is unaware of any prior w ills relating to property in Colorado that have not been expressly re voked by a later instrument. or The date of the d w ill is . The dates of all codicils are . The w ill and any codicils are collectively referred to as the w ill. The a pplicant believes that it is the d w ill and that it was validly executed. 8. The original w ill : was deposited with this c ourt before the d 15 - 11 - 515, C.R.S.) has been delivered to this c ourt since the d 15 - 11 - 516, C.R.S.) is filed with this a pplication An e - filed copy of the w ill is filed with this a pplication and the original w ill must be delivered to the c ourt immediately The w ill has been probated in the State of . Authenticated copies of the w ill and of the statement probating it are filed with this a pplication. ( 247 15 - 12 - 402, C.R.S. ) 9. a) Did a spouse or partner in a civil union survive the d ecedent? Yes No b) Did the d ecedent have a surviving parent? Yes No c) D id the d ecedent have surviving children or other descend a nts? Yes No d) Does the d or partner in a civil union have surviving descendants who are not descendants of the d ecedent? Yes No e) Are all of the d surviving spouse or partner in a civil union? Yes No f) Are any of the d Yes No 10. Li st names and addresses of d partner in a civil union, children, other heirs , and devisees are as follows: If a g uardian or c onservator has been appointed for one of the persons listed below, also provide the name and address of the g uardian or c onservator. If a minor child is liste (s) , guardian or conservator. If a spouse , partner in a civil union, or child has predeceased the d ecedent, include the date of death . Name Address or D ate of D eath Age, only if Minor Relationship (e.g. spouse, partner in a civil union, child, brother, guardian for spouse, etc.) American LegalNet, Inc. JDF 924 SC R 6 /1 9 APPLICATION FOR INFORMAL APPOINTMENT OF SPECIAL ADMINISTRATOR Page 3 of 5 11. Applicant requests appointment of a s pecial a dministrator : to protect the d p ersonal r epresentative for the following reasons: because a prior appointment has been terminated as provided in 247 15 - 12 - 6 14(1)(a) , C.R.S. to address claims as a p ublic a dministrator . ( 247 15 - 12 - 621(9), C.R.S. ) 12. Applicant is 21 years of age or older and nominates himself or herself to be appointed as s pecial a dministrator. or Applicant nominates the fo llowing person be appointed as s pecial a dministrator. Name: The Nominee is 21 years of age or older. Street Address : City: State: Zip Code: Mailing Address, if different: City: State: Zip Code: Primary Phone: Alternate Phone: Email Address: 13. The n ominee has priority for appointment because of: s tatutory priority (247 247 15 - 12 - 203 , 15 - 12 - 615 , and 15 - 12 - 621(9), C.R.S.) reasons stated in the attached explanation. The persons with prior or equal right to appointment are (name). All p ersons with prior or equal right to appointment have executed a required renouncement that accompanies this application. 1 4 . Applicant states the following regarding the d . (247 15 - 12 - 604, C.R.S.) Estimate d v alue of r eal e state $ Estimate d v alue of p ersonal p roperty $ A nnual i ncome e xpected from all s ources $ TOTAL $ 15. The s pecial a dministrator may receive compensation. The hourly rates to be charged, any amounts to be charged pursuant to a published fee schedule, American LegalNet, Inc. JDF 924 SC R 6 /1 9 APPLICATION FOR INFORMAL APPOINTMENT OF SPECIAL ADMINISTRATOR Page 4 of 5 including the rates and basis for charging fees for any extraordinary services, and any other bases upon which a fee charged to the estate will be calculated , are as stated below or in an attachment to this a pplication. * The basis of compensation has not yet been determined. * There is a continuing obligation to disclose any material changes to the basis for charging fees. (247 15 - 10 - 602 C.R.S.) 1 6 . The s pecial a dministrator may compensate his, her , or its counsel. The hourly rates to be charged, any amounts to be charged pursuant to a published fee schedule, including the rates and basis for charging fees for any extraordinary services, and any other bases upon which a fee charged to the estate will be calculated , are as stated below or in an attachment to this a pplication. * The basis of compensation has not yet been determined. * There is a continuing obligation to disclose any material changes to the basis for charging fees. (247 15 - 10 - 602 C.R.S.) 1 7 . B ond in the amount of $ is requested . (247 15 - 12 - 603(1)(a), C.R.S.) The a pplicant requests that the r egistrar informally appoint the n ominee as s pecial a dministrator to serve with bond and that Letters of Special Administration be issued . By checking this box, I am acknowledging I am filling in the blanks and not changing anything else on the form. By checking this box, I am acknowledging that I have made a change to the original content of this form. VERIFICATION I declare under penalty of perjury under the law of Colorado that the foregoing is true and corre ct. Executed on the day of Executed on the day of (date) (date) , , , , (month) (year) (month) (year) at at (city or other location, and state OR country) (city or other location, and state OR country) (printed name) (printed name) American LegalNet, Inc. JDF 924 SC R 6 /1 9 APPLICATION FOR INFORMAL APPOINTMENT OF SPECIAL ADMINISTRATOR Page 5 of 5 (Signature of Applicant ) (Signature of Co - Applicant, if any) Attorney Signature, (if any) Date Note: Please remember to add any AKA names in the caption, if appl