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Information Of Appointment Form. This is a Colorado form and can be use in Probate Statewide.
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Tags: Information Of Appointment, JDF 940, Colorado Statewide, Probate
JDF 940 SC R 6 /1 9 INFORMATION OF APPOINTMENT Page 1 of 3 District Court Denver Probate Court County, Colorado Court Address: In the Matter of the Estate of: Deceased COURT USE ONLY Attorney or Party Without Attorney (Name and Address): Phone Number: E - mail: FAX Number: Atty. Reg. #: Case Number: Division Courtroom INFORMATION OF APPOINTMENT Important Notice The c ourt will not routinely review or adjudicate matters unless it is specifically requested to do so by a beneficiary, creditor, or other interested person. All interested persons, including beneficiaries and creditors, have the responsibility to protect their ow n rights and interests in the estate in the manner provided by the provisions of the Colorado Probate Code, 247 15 - 10 - 101, et seq., C.R.S, by filing an appropriate pleading with the c ourt by which the estate is being administered and serving it on all intere sted persons pursuant to 247 15 - 10 - 401, C.R.S. All interested persons have the right to obtain information about the estate by filing a Demand for Notice pursuant to 247 15 - 12 - 204, C.R.S. To the heirs and devisees who have or may have an interest in this e state: 1. The d ecedent died on (date). 2. The d ecedent left no w ill. The d ecedent left a w ill dated . The dates of all codicils are . The w ill and any codicils were admitted to probate on (date). 3. Proceedings in this matter are informal. Proceedings in this matter are formal. 4. was appointed as p ersonal r epresentative on (date). 5. No bond has been filed with this c ourt. Bond has been filed with this c ourt in the amount of $ . 6. Administration of this estate is unsupervised. The c ourt will consider ordering supervised administration if requested by an interested person. (247 15 - 12 - 501, et. seq., C.R.S.) Administration of this estate is supervised. 7. This Information of Appointment is being sent to persons who have or may have some interest in the estate being administered. American LegalNet, Inc. JDF 940 SC R 6 /1 9 INFORMATION OF APPOINTMENT Page 2 of 3 8. Papers relating to this estate, including an inventory of estate assets, are either on file with this c ourt or, if not, papers may be obtained by interested persons from the p ersonal r epresentative. (247 247 15 - 12 - 705, C.R.S. and 15 - 12 - 706(2), C.R.S.) 9. Interested persons are entitled to receive an accounting. (24724715 - 12 - 1001 to 15 - 12 - 1003, C.R.S.) 10. The surviving s pouse, partner in a civil union, children under twenty - one years of age , and dependent children may be entitled to exempt property and a family allowance if a request for payment is made in the manner and within the time limits prescribed by statutes. (24715 - 11 - 401, et. seq., C.R.S.) 11. The surviving spouse or partner in a civil union may have a right of election to take a portion of the augmented estate if a petition is filed within the time limits prescribed by statute. (24715 - 11 - 201, et seq., C.R.S.) 12. Any indi to create a child and that the birth of the child could affect the distribution of the d written notice of such knowledge to t he p ersonal r epresentative of the d 13. Any individual who has knowledge that there is a valid, unrevoked designated beneficiary agreement in which the d ecedent granted the right of intestate succession should give written notice of such knowledge to the p ersonal r epresentative of the d e state. VERIFICATION I declare under penalty of perjury under the law of Colorado that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on the day of , , (date) (month) (year) at (city or other location, and state OR country) (printed name) (signature) Attorney Signature, (if any) Date CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on (date), a copy of this (name of document) was served as follows on each of the following: Name and Address Relationship to Decedent, Ward, or Protected Person Manner of Service* American LegalNet, Inc. JDF 940 SC R 6 /1 9 INFORMATION OF APPOINTMENT Page 3 of 3 *Insert one of the following: hand delivery, first - class mail, certified mail, e - service, or fax. Signature Note : This Information of Appointment must be given within 30 days of appointment of the personal representative. In the event a will exists but there has been no for mal testacy proceeding and the personal representative was appointed on the assumption of intestacy, this Information of Appointment must also be given to the devisees named in any existing wills. A copy of this Information of Appointment and Certificate of Service must be promptly filed with the Court (247 15 - 12 - 705, C.R.S.). American LegalNet, Inc.