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Petition For Appointment Of Co-Conservator Or Successor Conservator Form. This is a Colorado form and can be use in Probate Statewide.
Tags: Petition For Appointment Of Co-Conservator Or Successor Conservator, JDF 879, Colorado Statewide, Probate
JDF 879 SC R 6 /1 9 PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF CO - CONSERVATOR OR SUCCESSOR CONSERVATOR Page 1 of 3 District Court Denver Probate Court County, Colorado Court Address: I n the Interest of : Protected Person COURT USE ONLY Attor ney or Party Without Attorney (n ame and ad dress): Phone Number: E - mail: FAX Number: Atty. Reg. #: Case Number: Division Courtroom PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF CO - CONSERVATOR S UCCES S OR CONSERVATOR This p etition is submitted pursuant to 247 15 - 14 - 112, C.R.S. and t he p etitioner makes the following statements: 1. Petitioner , (name), i s an interested person . State relationship to p rotected p erson: 2. Letters of C onservatorship were issued on (date). 3. T he previously appointed c onservator , (name) : join s in this petition. t endered a r esignation approved by the c ourt on (date) . d ied on ( d ate of death ) . b een r emoved by order of the c ourt issued on (date). is the p etitioner and hereby tenders his or her resignation . o ther: . 4. Petitioner is, 21 years of age or older, nominates himself or herself and requests to be appointed as Co - Conservator or Successor Conservator. or Petitioner nominates the following person, who is 21 years of age or older, to be appointed as Co - Conservator or Successor Conservator. Name: Relationship to Protected Person : Street Address: City: State : Zip Code: Mailing Address, if different: City: State: Zip Code: Primary Phone: Alternate Phone: Email Address: American LegalNet, Inc. JDF 879 SC R 6 /1 9 PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF CO - CONSERVATOR OR SUCCESSOR CONSERVATOR Page 2 of 3 5. The nominated Co - Conservator or Successor Conservator has priority for appointment because he or she is: ( 247 15 - 14 - 413, C.R.S.) a c onservator, g uardian , or other like fiduciary appointed or recognized by a court in another jurisdiction where the p rotected p erson resid es . nominated in writing by p rotected p erson, including nomination in a durable power of attorney or designated beneficiary . an agent appointed by the p rotected p erson to manage the p rotected p property under a durable power of attorney. the spouse or partner in a civil union of the p rotected p erson . an adult child of the p rotected p erson . a parent of the p rotected p erson . an adult with whom p rotected p erson has resided for more than 6 months immediately before the filing of thi s p etition. 6. The c o - c onservator or s uccessor c onservator may receive compensation. The hourly rates to be charged, any amounts to be charged pursuant to a published fee schedule, including the rates and basis for charging fees for any extraordinary services, and any other bases upon which a fee charged to the estate will be calculated , are as stated below or in an attachment to this p etition . * The basis of compensation has not yet been determined. * There is a continuing obligation to disclose any material changes to the basis for charging fees. (24715 - 10 - 602 , C.R.S.) 7. The c o - c onservator or s uccessor c onservator may compensate his, her, or its counsel. The hourly rates to be charged, any amounts to be charged pursuant to a published fee schedule, including the rates and basis for charging fees for any extraordinary services, and any other bases upon which a fee charged to the estate will be ca lculated , are as stated below or in an attachment to this p etition . * The basis of compensation has not yet been determined. * There is a continuing obligation to disclose any material changes to the basis for charging fees. (24715 - 10 - 602 , C.R.S. ) 8. The p etitioner hereby adopts the statements in the original petition for appointment that led to the appointment of the current c onservator . 9. Petitioner requests that the nominee be appointed as c o - c onservator or s uccessor c onservator and that l etters of c onservatorship be issue d forthwith after the following event : American LegalNet, Inc. JDF 879 SC R 6 /1 9 PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF CO - CONSERVATOR OR SUCCESSOR CONSERVATOR Page 3 of 3 By checking this box, I am acknowledging I am filling in the blanks and not changing anything else on the form. By checking this box, I am acknowledging that I have made a change to the original content of this form. VERIFICATION I declare under penalty of perjury under the law of Colorado that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on the day of Executed on the day of (date) (date) , , , , (month) (year) (month) (ye ar) at at (city or other location, and state OR country) (city or other location, and state OR country) (printed name) (printed name) (Signature of Petitioner ) (Signature of Co - Petitioner , if any) Attorney Signature, (if any) Date CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on (date), a copy of this (name of document) was served as follows on each of the following: Name and Address Relationship to Decedent, Ward, or Protected Person Manner of Service* *Insert one of the following: hand delivery, first - class mail, certified mail, e - service, or fax. Signature Note: The p etitioner must contact the c ourt to set a date and time for a hearing. American LegalNet, Inc.