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Trust Registration Statement Form. This is a Colorado form and can be use in Probate Statewide.
Tags: Trust Registration Statement, JDF 732, Colorado Statewide, Probate
JDF 732SC R 6 /1 9 TRUST REGISTRATION STATEMENT Page 1 of 3 District Court Denver Probate Court County, Colorado Court Address: I n the Matter of the Trust created by: Settlor COURT USE ONLY Attorney or Party Without Attorney (Name and Address): Phone Number: E - mail: FAX Number: Atty. Reg.#: Case Number: Division Courtroom TRUST REGISTRATION STATEMENT Important Notice The c ourt will not routinely review or adjudicate matters unless it is specifically requested to do so by a beneficiary, creditor, or other interested person . A ll interested person s , including beneficiaries and creditors, have the responsibility to protect their ow n rights and interests in the estate or trust in the manner provided by the provisions of this code by filing an appropriate pleading with the c ourt by which the estate or trust is being administered and serving i t on all interested person s pursuant to 247 1 5 - 10 - 401, C.R.S. The name of the t rust is: 1. Information about the t rustee: Name: Street Add ress: City: State: Zip Code: Mailing Address, if different: City: State: Zip Code: Primary Phone: Alternate Phone: Email Address: 2. The records of this t rust are kept at the principal place of administration, which is in ( City and County) at the following address: 3. This t rust has not been registered elsewhere. has been registered previously on (date) with the (name of c ourt) in the State of pursuant to 247 15 - 5 - 206(1) , C.R.S . American LegalNet, Inc. JDF 732SC R 6 /1 9 TRUST REGISTRATION STATEMENT Page 2 of 3 4. This is a t estamentary t rust established by the w ill of . The will was admitted to probate on (date ) , in ( name of c ourt) in the State of in case number: . a n i nter v ivos t rust established by ( s ettlor ) dated . The t rustee is 5. If multiple trusts are registered on this date, provide additional identifying information: By checking this box, I am acknowledging I am filling in the blanks and not changing anything else on the form. By checking this box, I am acknowledging that I have made a change to the original content of this form. The undersigned trustee acknowledges the existence of this t rust and submits to the jurisdiction of this c ourt in any proceeding relating to this t rust. Within 60 days of registration, the t rustee represents that the t r ustee must comply with 247 15 - 5 - 206(3) , C.R.S. VERIFICATION I declare under penalty of perjury under the law of Colorado that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on the day of , , (date) (month) (year) at (city or other location, and state OR country) (printed name) ( S ignature of Trustee ) INFORMATION OF TRUST REGISTRATION It is not necessary that this portion of th e form be completed on the copy of the s tatement filed with the c ourt. T o : American LegalNet, Inc. JDF 732SC R 6 /1 9 TRUST REGISTRATION STATEMENT Page 3 of 3 You are a beneficiary with a present interest or you represent a beneficiary with a future inter est, in the t rust(s) described in the above Trust Registration Statement. Upon reasonable request, you may be entitled to additional information about this t rust and its administration pursuant to 247 15 - 5 - 813 , C.R.S. D ate : Signature of Trustee Note: File this r egistration s tatement in the c o unty where the t rust is being administered pursuant to 247 15 - 5 - 205(1) , C.R.S. For further requirements, see 247 15 - 11 - 901 , C.R.S. and C .R.P.P. 70 . The requirements of 247 15 - 5 - 206(3), C.R.S. may be satisfied by mailing a copy of this statement to entitled persons. See also 247 15 - 10 - 403, C.R.S . American LegalNet, Inc.