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Citation And Temporary Civil Protection Order Issued Pursuant To Section 13-14-102 C.R.S. Form. This is a Colorado form and can be use in Protection Order Statewide.
Tags: Citation And Temporary Civil Protection Order Issued Pursuant To Section 13-14-102 C.R.S., JDF 398, Colorado Statewide, Protection Order
JDF 398 R 1/17 CITATION AND TEMPORARY CIVIL PROTECTION ORDER Page 1 of 5 Municipal Court County Court District Court Denver Juvenile Denver Probate County, Colorado Court Address: Petitioner: Address: v. Respondent: Address: COURT USE ONLY Case Number: 16 Character #: Division Courtroom CITATION AND TEMPORARY CIVIL PROTECTION ORDER ISSUED PURSUANT TO 24713 - 14 - 104.5 , C.R.S. Full Name of Restrained P erson Protected P erson alleges Weapon Involved Date of Birth Sex Race Weight Height Hair Color Eye Color M F Full Name of Protected P erson Date of Birth Sex Race Full Name of Protected P erson Date of Birth Sex Race CITATION TO THE RESTRAINED PERSON: You are ordered to appear and show cause, if any, why this Temporary Protection Order should not be made Permanent. The next hearing is (date ) at (time) at the court address a bove in Courtroom . If the Restrained Person fails to appear at this hearing, a bench warrant may be issued for the arrest of the Restrained Person and the Temporary Protection Order previously entered by the Court shall be made permanent without furt her notice or service upon the Restrained Person. This Temporary Protection Order expires at the conclusion of the Hearing date stated above unless continued to another date or made a Permanent Order of the Court. PROTECTION ORDER: The Court finds that i t has jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter; that (Restrained P erson ) constitutes a credible threat , that an imminent danger exists to the life and health of the Protected P ersons named in this acti on, and sufficient cause exists for the issuance of a Civil Protection Order. T he Court Orders that you , the Restrained P erson shall not contact, harass, stalk, injure, intimidate, threaten, touch, sexually assault, abuse , or molest the Protected P ersons named in this action , or harm, take, transfer , conceal, dispos e of or threaten harm to an animal owned, possessed, leased, kept or h eld by any protected party, or a minor child of any other party, or otherwise violate this Order. You shall not use, attemp t to use, or threaten to use physical force against the Protected P ersons that would reasonably be expected to cause bodily injury. You shall not engage in any conduct that would place the Protected P ersons in reasonable fear of bodily injury. American LegalNet, Inc. JDF 398 R 1/17 CITATION AND TEMPORARY CIVIL PROTECTION ORDER Page 2 of 5 Case Nam e v. Case Number: 1. Contact. It is ordered that you, the Restrained P erson , shall have no contact of any kind with the Protected P ersons and you shall not attempt to contact said Protec ted Persons through any third person, except your attorney, except as follows: A violation of a P rotection O rder is a crime and may be prosecuted as a misdemeanor, municipal ordinance violation, or a delinque nt act (if committed by a juvenile) pursuant to 24718 - 6 - 803.5, C.R.S., and municipal ordinance. 2. Exclusion from places. You must keep a distance of at least yards from the Protected P ersons, where ever they may be found. It is ordered that yo u be excluded from the following places and shall stay at least yards away from the following places : ( S pecify the address(es) where the Protected P ersons reside, work or attend school.) The P rotected P erson has request ed that the address be omitted from the written order of the Court, including the Register of A ctions. H ome: Work: Name: Address: School: Name: Address: Other: Exceptio ns: You may not remain in or return to any of the above locations after you receive this Order. You are permitted to return to a shared residence one time to obt ain sufficient undisputed personal effects to maintain a normal standard of living until the next hearing date ONLY if you are accompanied at all times by a law enforcement officer. 3. Care and Control Provisions. It is in the best interest of the minor children that care and control of these children be awarded to (name of p erson ) until the next hearing. At that hearing, the Court will determine who should receive temporary care and control of the minor children for up to one year . 4. Issues Concerning Children. (Parenting Time and Decision - Making Responsibilities) Restrained P erson is granted P arenting T ime with the minor children. Parenting T ime and D ecision - M aking R esponsibi lities will be considered at the Permanent Protection Orders Hearing or at the next Hearing. Parenting T ime expires on (next hearing date) and shall be as follows: American LegalNet, Inc. JDF 398 R 1/17 CITATION AND TEMPORARY CIVIL PROTECTION ORDER Page 3 of 5 Case Name v. Case Number: Interim D ecision - M aking R esponsibilities expire on (next hearing date) and shall be as follows: (name of p erson ) shall have sole D ecision - M aking R esponsibilities. The parties shall jointly share D ecision - M aking R esponsibilities. Parenting T ime and D ecision - M aking R esponsibilities shall be as previously ordered by the District Court, Case #. 5. Other Provisions. A Temporary Injunction is hereby entered by this Court that restrains the Restrained Person from ceasing to make payments for mortgage or rent, insurance, utilities or related services, transportation, medical care, or child care when the Restrained Person has a prior existing duty or legal obligation to make such payments or from transferring, encumbering, concealing, or in any way disposing of personal effects or real property, except in the usual course of bu siness or for the necessities of life and requir es the Restrained Person to account to the court for all extraordinary expenditures made after the injunction is entered . The Restrained P erson shall not possess and/or purchase a firearm , ammunition, or other weapon . The Court waives all fees and no fees for service should be assessed p ursuant to 24713 - 14 - 109(1)(2) , C.R.S. Fees shall be paid by the Petitioner Respondent . Arrangements for possession and c a re of an animal are as follows: The Restrained Person s hall not interfere with the Protected P place of education and shall not enga ge in conduct that impairs the Protected P relationships, or environment. It is further ordered that: Date: Judge Magistr ate Print Name of Judicial Officer By signing, I acknowledge receipt of this Order or Restrained P erson is not present in courtroom. Date: Signature I certify that this is a true and complete copy of the original order. Date: Clerk Law enforcement shall use all reasonable means t o enforce this Protection Order. American LegalNet, Inc. JDF 398 R 1/17 CITATION AND TEMPORARY CIVIL PROTECTION ORDER Page 4 of 5 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT PROTECTION ORDERS GENERAL INFORMATION This O rder or injunction shall be accorded full faith and credit and be enforced in every civil or criminal court of the United States, Indian Tribe or Unite d States Territory pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2472265. This Court has jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 247922(g)(8), it is unlawful for any person to possess or transfer a firearm who is subject to a court order that rest rains such person from harassing, stalking or threatening an intimate partner of such person or a child of such intimate partner or person, or engaging in other conduct that would place an intimate partner in reasonable fear of bodily injury to the partner or child. NOTICE TO RESTRAINED P ERSON You are directed to appear before this Court on the date shown on the front of this form to show cause, if any exists, why this Temporary Protection Order should not be made permanent. This Temporary Protection Ord er shall be made permanent without further notice or service or the Court may continue the Temporary Protection Orders to a date certain. You are notified that the Permanent Civil Protection Order shall remain in effect until further order of the Court. Such Permanent O rder will subject you to Federal Laws restricting firearms possession and sale 18 U.S.C. , 247922(g)(8), 247924(a)(2). A violation of a P rotection O rder may be a misdemeanor, municipal ordinance violation or a delinquent act (if c