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Instructions For Restrained Person - Motion To Modify Or Dismiss Protection Order Form. This is a Colorado form and can be use in Protection Order Statewide.
Tags: Instructions For Restrained Person - Motion To Modify Or Dismiss Protection Order, JDF 395, Colorado Statewide, Protection Order
Motion to Modify / Dismiss Protection Order
These standard instructions are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice about your
case. If you choose to represent yourself, you are bound by the same rules and procedures as an attorney.
To file a Motion to Modify or Dismiss a Protection Order with the Court, four years must have passed after
issuance of the permanent order or after disposition of any prior motion.
If you have been convicted of any misdemeanor, other than the original misdemeanor, that included an act of
domestic violence or any felony, then the protection order shall remain permanent and shall not be dismissed
by the Court. It is important to understand that any violations after the permanent protection order is issued are
taken into consideration.
You must complete a fingerprint-based criminal history record check prior to filing your Motion.
The Court will not consider the Motion unless the fingerprint-based criminal history record check is conducted
within 90-days prior to the filing of the Motion.
It is your responsibility to prove that the modification is appropriate or that a dismissal is appropriate because the
protection order is no longer necessary.
For additional information, please review Colorado Revised Statute §13-14-102.
If you have a disability and need a reasonable accommodation to access the courts, please contact your local ADA
Coordinator. Contact information can be obtained from the following website:
Moving Party:
Protected Person:
Restrained Person:
Document officially commences the Motion to Modify / Dismiss process.
The person who files a Motion.
The person who was granted a protection order against another party.
The person who is to remain away from making contact with another person.
In legal terms, “may” is defined as “optional” or “can.”
In legal terms, “shall” is defined as “required.”
If you do not understand this information, please contact an attorney.
There is no filing fee. Other fees that you may encounter are as follows:
Copies of Documents (Documents on File)
$ .75 per page or $1.50 if double-sided
Copies of Documents (Documents not on File)
$ .25 per page or $.50 if double -sided
Certification Fee
$15.00 per document
Service Fee
Varies (Payable to Process Server)
Cost of Fingerprints
Varies (Payable to local law enforcement)
Fingerprint-based Criminal History Check
$16.50 (Payable to CBI by Cash or Money Order only)
Fingerprint-based Criminal History Check
$18.00 (Payable to Treasury of the United States by Money
Order or Certified Check)
To access forms online, go to the website at and click on the “Self-Help Center”. The
packet/forms are available in PDF or WORD by selecting “Protection Orders” under “Civil.” Please click either
JDF 395
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PDF or WORD by the title of the form. You may complete a form online or you may print it and type or print legibly in
black ink.
JDF 397
JDF 410
JDF 415
Motion to Modify / Dismiss Temporary / Permanent Protection Order
Order Modifying Protection Order
Order Vacating Protection Order
Step 1:
Complete the required Fingerprint-based Criminal History Record Check.
The Restrained Party must submit a criminal history record check from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) at the time the case is filed. Please follow these steps:
Contact your local law enforcement office to be fingerprinted. The Court may provide you with two fingerprint
cards, or, in the event that your local court does not provide them, your local sheriff’s department should. You
will see a box labeled “Reason Fingerprinted” on the card in the upper left hand corner. Identify “§13-14-102
Protection Order” in the reason printed block of the card. It is important that the CBI and FBI know that the
criminal history record check is for a modification or dismissal of a protection order. Please write your name,
home address, and date of birth clearly on the fingerprint card. If the agency completing the fingerprints uses
an electronic print system, please do not write on the cards as the agency will automatically input the
You are responsible for mailing or hand-delivering the completed fingerprint cards to CBI and FBI. It can take
12 - 18 weeks to receive your criminal history check back from the FBI, whereas CBI must complete your
criminal history check within 72 business hours by law. The criminal history results must be conducted
within 90-days prior to the filing of the Motion. For this reason, it is best to mail your FBI fingerprint card,
wait 8 - 10 weeks, and then mail or hand-deliver your CBI fingerprint card. You will be provided with a full
report from both agencies. For additional information on FBI requests, please review their website at the
following link:
Mail the completed fingerprint card to the FBI at, Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division –
Record Request, 1000 Custer Hollow Road, Clarksburg, WV 26306 along with a certified check or money
order in the amount of $18.00. Do not fold the fingerprint card.
Mail or hand-deliver your completed CBI fingerprint card to the CBI at 690 Kipling, Denver, Colorado 80215
along with a money order in the amount of $16.50. Do not fold the fingerprint card. If you hand-deliver the
fingerprint card, you can also pay by cash.
If you have a felony conviction in Colorado or any other state, and you know that it is inaccurate, it is your
responsibility to obtain the disposition information from the Court where such action occurred, as identified in
the CBI or FBI reports.
Step 2:
Complete Appropriate Forms.
Please refer to the list of required forms above to determine which forms must be submitted when filing your Motion
based on your individual circumstances.
Contact the Court where you plan to file your motion for specific days or times when hearings to modify or
dismiss a protection order are scheduled and to determine if they have any other filing requirements.
The caption below needs to be completed on all forms filed.
Use the case number on all of your forms that corresponds to the case number on your original temporary or
permanent protection order.
Municipal Court
County Court
District Court
Denver Juvenile
_________________________________________ County, Colorado
Court Address:
Denver Probate
Attorney or Party Without Attorney (Name and Address):
Case Number:
Phone Number:
FAX Number:
JDF 395
Atty. Reg. #:
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Motion to Modify / Dismiss Temporary / Permanent Protection Order (JDF 397).
Complete all necessary information on the form.
This Motion must be signed in the presence of a Court Clerk or Notary Public
Attach the fingerprint-based criminal history record check to the Motion and identify as Exhibit A. Make
sure that the fingerprint-based criminal history record check is conducted within 90 days prior to
the filing of the Motion.
Attach any other criminal disposition documentation and identify as Exhibit B.
Make two complete sets of copies.
Order Modifying Protection Order (JDF 410).
Complete only the caption on the form.
The Judge or Magistrate will complete the appropriate portions on the forms and sign the order at the time
of the hearing, if your Motion is approved.
Order Vacating Protection Order (JDF 415).
Complete only the caption on the form.
The Judge or Magistrate will complete the appropriate portions on the forms and sign the order at the time
of the hearing, if your Motion is approved.
Step 3:
You are ready to file your Motion with the Court.
Provide the Court with the documents completed as described in Steps 1 - 2 above.
If the Motion has not been signed in the presence of a Notary Public, you will sign the Motion before the Clerk
at this time.
The clerk at the Court will fill in the hearing date and time on your Motion.
Step 4:
Complete Personal Service.
You shall complete personal service on the other party with a copy of the Motion and all of the attachments per rule
4(e) of the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure prior to the court appearance date given to you by the clerk. Helpful Hints
to complete personal service:
Take a copy of the Motion to the Sheriff’s Department, a private process server, or someone you know who is
18 years or older, who is not a party to the case, and who knows the rules of service to serve the other person.
Be sure to direct the sheriff, private process server, or person serving the order to return a copy of the Return
of Service to you and to file the original with the Court as soon as possible after service has been completed.
If the address of the Protected Person is confidential and you have been unable to attain personal service,
inquire with the Court to determine what procedures can be completed.
The process server will need to return the completed return of service to the Court for filing, or return it to you
to bring and file with the Court before the Court date.
Step 5:
Be Prepared for your Hearing.
You may be asked questions about your request to modify or dismiss your Protection Order.
If the Court orders that the Protection Order is modified or dismissed, you will be provided with an Order
stating such.
If your Order is modified, you may also be provided with a new temporary or permanent protection order that
indicates all current conditions of the protection order.
If the Protected Person is not present at the hearing, the protected party must be personally served with a
copy of the order and the new protection order as soon as possible. It is your responsibility to complete
personal service. Follow the steps outlined in Step 4 above.
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