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Order Modifying Protection Order Form. This is a Colorado form and can be use in Protection Order Statewide.
Tags: Order Modifying Protection Order, JDF 410, Colorado Statewide, Protection Order
Municipal Court County Court District Court Denver Juvenile Denver Probate _________________________________________ County, Colorado Court Address: Petitioner: _________________________________ Address: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ v. Respondent: _____________________________ Address: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ The address of the protected party may be omitted from the written order of the Court, including the Register of actions. COURT USE ONLY Case Number: Division Courtroom ORDER MODIFYING PROTECTION ORDER Upon consideration of the Motion to Modify the Temporary Permanent Protection Order requested by _____________________________ (name of person), it is hereby Ordered that: The Motion is denied. The Motion is accepted and a Modified Temporary Permanent Protection Order is hereby issued. The Motion is accepted as follows: If the Protection Order has been modified, the party requesting the modification must serve a copy of this Order and a copy of the Temporary or Permanent Protection Order, as applicable, on the other party. Date: ___________________________________ Judge Magistrate CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I ________________________________, state under oath or certify that I am over the age of 18 years and am not a party to this action and that I served a copy of the: Permanent Protection Order Temporary Protection Order Order Modifying Protection Order by personally handing the papers to: _______________________________________(name of person), or ________________________________________ (state other method of service) on_______________ (date), at _________ (time), at the following location: __________________________________________________________________________________________. ________________________________________________ Signature of Process Server Deputy (Type or print name and Address of Process Server/Deputy below) ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ My Commission Expires: ________________________ JDF 410 R8/13 of Colorado __________________________________________ Notary Public/Deputy Clerk ORDER MODIFYING PROTECTION ORDER � 2013 Colorado Judicial Department for use in the Courts American LegalNet, Inc.