Order To Seal Arrest And Criminal Records
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Order To Seal Arrest And Criminal Records Pursuant To Section 24-72-308 C.R.S. Form. This is a Colorado form and can be use in Sealing Of Records Statewide.
Tags: Order To Seal Arrest And Criminal Records Pursuant To Section 24-72-308 C.R.S., JDF 418, Colorado Statewide, Sealing Of Records
JDF 418 R 8 /19 ORDER TO SEAL ARREST AND CRIMINAL RECORDS, PURSUANT TO 24724 - 72 - 70 4 , C .R.S. Page 1 of 2 District Court County, Colorado Court Address: P etition of : D efendant (Primary subject of the criminal justice record) COURT USE ONLY Case Number: Division: Courtroom: ORDER TO SEAL ARREST AND CRIMI NAL RECORDS WHEN NO CHARGES FILED PURSUANT TO 24724 - 72 - 70 4 , C.R.S. The Court having read the Petition to Seal Arrest and Criminal Records, examined the record, considered the responses filed by the District Attorney or any other person or agency, and condu cted a hearing, finds that the Petitioner is eligible for sealing of the arrest records . Alternatively, the Court finds that the petition is sufficient on its face , no objection has been filed, and that a hearing is not required pursuant to 247 24 - 72 - 70 4 (1)( c )(II) , C.R.S . Date of Birth: Current Mailing Address: City: State: Zip Code: ORDERS that the arrest and criminal records information specifically relating to and contained in: Law Enforcem ent Agency case number: Arrest number (from fingerprint card): Date: shall be sealed immediately, except for basic i dentifying information, and that upon inquiry in the matter, the P erson in I nterest and criminal justice agencies to which this O rder is directed may properly reply that no such records exist with respect to such person. T he Court shall mail a copy of this Order to (see attached mailing list): District Attorney Law Enforcement Agency Municipal Court Colorado Bureau of Investigation Other : Date: Distri ct Court Judg e American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com JDF 418 R 8 /19 ORDER TO SEAL ARREST AND CRIMINAL RECORDS, PURSUANT TO 24724 - 72 - 70 4 , C .R.S. Page 2 of 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on (date), I delivered a copy of this Order to the following: Petitioner and/or : District Attorney Law Enforcement Agency Municipal Court Colorado Bureau of Investigation Other: Hand - Delivered, E - filed, or Mailed to: Other : Hand - Delivered, E - filed, or Mailed to: Clerk si gnature: American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com