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JDF 615 R 8/19 ORDER TO SEAL CRIMINALCONVICTION RECORDS Page 1 of 2 District Court County Court County, Colorado Court Address: People of the State of Colorado v. Defendant COURT USE ONLY Case Number: Division: Courtroom: ORDER TO SEAL CRIMINAL CONVICTION RECORD S PURSUANT TO 247 24 - 72 - 706, 247 24 - 72 - 707, or 247 24 - 72 - 708 C.R.S Date of Birth: Current Mailing Address: City : State: Zip Code : The Court ha s read the Motion to Seal Criminal Conviction Records, examined the record, reviewed , if applicable, co nsidered any evidence presented at a hearing and any objections or response s filed in opposition to the Motion . The Court he reby finds that it is appropriate to grant the Motion pursuant to 247 24 - 72 - 706, 247 24 - 72 - 707, or 247 24 - 72 - 708 C.R.S , as follows: The Motion is for the sealing of a petty offense that the Defendant has not been convicted of a criminal offense since the date of the final disposition of all criminal proceedings The Motion is for the sealing of a class 1, class 2 , or class 3 misdemeanor, a drug misdemeanor, a class 4, class 5, or class 6 felony, or a l evel 3 or 4 drug felony, the District Attorney did not object to the Motion, the offense being sealed is not a crime enumerated in 247 24 - 4.1 - 302(1), and has not been convicted of a criminal offense s ince the date of the final disposition of all criminal proceedings against supervision, whichever is later . The Court finds that the harm to the privacy of the Defendant or the dangers or unwarranted, adverse consequences to the De f endant outweigh the public interest in retaining the record s, and history doc uments that the Defendant has not been convicted of a criminal offense since the date of the final supervision, whichever is later . ORDERS that th e criminal records informati on specifically relating to and contained in: - The above - captioned case ; and - Law Enforcement Agency case number: be sealed immediately, except for basic i dentifying information, and that upon inquiry in the matter, the pers on in interest and criminal justice agencies to which this O rder is directed may properly reply that public conviction records do not exist wi th respect to the defendant. The Court directs the above order to the Clerk of Court to seal the above - captioned case . T he Court shall mail a copy of t his Order to the following: District Attorney City Attorney Law Enforcement Agency American LegalNet, Inc. JDF 615 R 8/19 ORDER TO SEAL CRIMINALCONVICTION RECORDS Page 2 of 2 Colorado Bureau of Investigation (A copy of the Order must be sent to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation . ) This agency assesses an additional fee to seal its rec ords. Probation Department and/or Parole Office Other Dated: District Court Judge County Court Judge CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on (date), I delivered a copy of this Order to the following: Defendant and/or Defendant : District Attorney City Attorney Law Enforcement Agency Colorado Bureau of Investigation (A copy of the Or der must be sent to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation.) This agency assesses an additional fee to seal its records. Probation Department and/or Parole Office Other Hand - Delivered, E - filed, or Mailed to: Other : Hand - Delivered, E - filed, or Mailed to: Clerk Signature: American LegalNet, Inc.