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Notice Claim And Summons To Appear For Trial Form. This is a Colorado form and can be use in Small Claims Statewide.
Tags: Notice Claim And Summons To Appear For Trial, JDF 250, Colorado Statewide, Small Claims
JDF 250 SC R 7 - 18 (PART 1/ PAGE 1 ) NOTICE, CLAIM AND SUMMONS TO APPEAR FOR TRIAL COURT COPY Small Claims Court County, Colorado Court Address: COURT USE ONLY Case Number: S Division Courtroom PLAINTIFF(S): Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: Home Work Cell v. DEFENDANT(1): Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: Home Work Cell DEFENDANT(2): Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: Home Work Cell NOTICE, CLAIM AND SUMMONS TO APPEAR FOR TRIAL (Part 1) If Defendant(s) is/are other than a person , go on - line at to determine the registered agent for service of this notice. Please enter name and address of the agent. Name: Address: 1. The Defendant(s) is /are in the military service: Yes No Unknown 2. The Defendant(s) reside(s), is/are regularly employed, has/have an office for the transaction of business, or is/are a student in this county, or re a l property located in th is county is the subject of claim (s) arising from a restrictive covenant or security deposit dispute. Yes No 3. I/We understand that it is my/our responsibility to have each Defendant served with the C opy of this N otice by a person whose age is 18 years or older and who is not a part y to this action 15 days prior to the trial and to provide the Court with written proof of service. Yes No 4. I am an attorney: Yes No N otice and Summons to Appear for Trial To the Defendant(s): You are scheduled to h ave your trial in this case on (date) at (time) at the Court address stated in the above caption. Bring with you all books, papers and witnesses you need to establish your defense. I f you do not appear, judgment may be entered against you. If you wish to defend the claim or present a counterclaim, you must provide a written response or written counterclaim on or before the scheduled trial date and pay a nonrefundable filing fee. Dated: Clerk of Court/Deputy Clerk P (Please summarize reasons to support your claim below.) The Defendant(s) owe(s) me $, which includes penalties, plus interest and costs allowed by law, and/or should be ordered to return property, perform a contract or set aside a contract or comply with a r estrictive covenant for the following reasons. (If seeking return of property, please describe the property being requested). Note: The combined value of money, property, specific performance or cost to remedy a covenant violation cannot exceed $7,500 .0 0. I declare under penalty of perjury under the law of Colorado that the foregoing is true and correct. Plaintiff(s) declare under penalty of perjury that the above statements are true and correct, and that I/we have not filed in any S mall C laims C ourt in this County more than 2 claims during this calendar month, nor more than 18 claims in this County this calendar year. Dated: American LegalNet, Inc. JDF 250 SC R 7 - 18 (PART 2/ PAGE 2 ) NOTICE, CLAIM AND SUMMONS TO APPEAR FOR TRIAL DEFEN Small Claims Court County, Colorado Court Address: PLAINTIFF(S): Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: Home Work Cell v. DEFENDANT(1): Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: Home Work Cell DEFENDANT(2): Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: Home Work Cell COURT USE ONLY Case Number: S Division Courtroom NOTICE, CLAIM AND SUMMONS TO APPEAR FOR TRIAL (Part 2) If Defendant(s) is/are other than a person, go on - line at to determine the registered agent for service of this notice. Please enter name and address of the agent. Name: Address: 1. The Defendant(s) is /are in the military service: Yes No Unknown 2. The Defendant(s) reside(s), is/are regularly employed, has/have an office for the transaction of business, or is/are a student in this county, or re al property located in th is county is the subject of claim (s) arising from a restrictive covenant or security deposit dispute. Yes No 3. I/We understand that it is my/our responsibility to have each Defendant served this Notice by a person whose age is 18 years or older and who is n ot a party to this action 15 days prior to the trial and to provide the Court with written proof of service. Yes No 4. I am an attorney: Yes No N otice and Summons to Appear for Trial To the Defendant(s): You are scheduled to have your trial in this case on (date) at (time) at the Court address stated in the above caption. Bring with you all books, papers and witnesses you need to establish your defense. I f you do not appear, judgment may be entered against you. If y ou wish to defend the claim or present a counterclaim, you must provide a written response or written counterclaim on or before the scheduled trial date and pay a nonrefundable filing fee. Dated: Clerk of Court/Deputy Clerk P (Please summarize reasons to support your claim below.) The Defendant(s) owe(s) me $, which includes penalties, plus interest and costs allowed by law, and/or should be ordered to return property, perform a contract or set aside a contract or comply with a restrictive covenant for the following reasons. (If seeking return of property, please describe the property being requested). Note: The combined value of money, property, specific performance or cost to remedy a covenant violation ca nnot exceed $7,500.00. I declare under penalty of perjury under the law of Colorado that the foregoing is true and correct . . Plaintiff(s) declare under penalty of perjury that the above statements are true and correct, and that I/we have not filed in any S mall C laims C ourt in this County more than 2 claims during this calendar month, nor more than 18 claims in this County in t his calendar year. Dated: American LegalNet, Inc. JDF 250 SC R 7 - 18 (PART 2/ PAGE 3 D ( If responding, p ay the appropriate filing fee ). I do not owe the Plaintiff(s) or am not responsible to the Plaintiff(s) because: D (If submitting a counterclaim, pay the appropriate filing fee). The Plaintiff(s) owe(s) me $, which includes penalties, plus interest and costs allowed by law and/or should b e ordered to return property, perform a contract or set aside a contract or comply with a restrictive covenant for the followin g reasons. (If seeking return of property, please describe the property being requested). The amount of my/our counterclaim does not exceed the jurisdictional amount of the Small Claims Court of $7,500.00. The amount of my/our counterclaim exceeds the jurisdictional amount of the Small Claims Court, but I/we wish to limit the amount that I/we wish to recover from the Plaintiff to $7,500.00. The amount of my/our counterclaim exceeds the jurisdictional amount of the Small Claims Court, and I/we wish to have the case sent to County Court (only if I/ we wish to limit the amount I/we can recover from the plaintiff to $15,000.00) District Court (I /we do not wish to limit the amount I/we can recover from the Plaintiff(s)) and will pay the appropriate filing fee . I/we am/are filing a Notice of Removal and paying the appropriate filing fee to the Court at this time. I am an attorney . Yes No I declare under penalty of perjury that this information is true and correct and that I mailed a copy of the Response/Counterclaim to the Plaintiff(s) at the address(es) stated on this form on (date). Date Telephone #: Home Work Cell I nformation for Defendants in Small Claims Cas es A. F iling Fees . Response without a counterclaim: Claim $500.00 or l ess: $ 26 .00 Claim over $500.00 but less than $7,500.00: $ 41 .00 Response with a counterclaim: $500.00 or less and counterclaim is $500.00 or less: $ 31 .00 more than $500.00 or counterclaim is more than $500.0 0: $ 46 .00 B. R esponse . You have been served with a Summons. If you fail to appear on the trial date shown on this notice, judgment may be entered against you. If you wish to defend the claim or present a counterclaim, you must file with the Court Clerk a written response or counterclaim on or before the scheduled trial date, provide a copy to the Plaintiff(s), pay the appropriate nonrefundable filing fee, and appear on the date set for trial in this notice with all evidence and witnesses needed to establish your defense. C. S ubpoenas . Upon your request, the clerk will issue a subpoena to require witnesses to appear or bring documents for your