Attendance At Oral Argument (Appellate Court)
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Attendance At Oral Argument (Appellate Court) Form. This is a Connecticut form and can be use in Supreme-Appellate Court Appeals.
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Tags: Attendance At Oral Argument (Appellate Court), JD-AC-2, Connecticut Appeals, Supreme-Appellate Court
STATE OF CONNECTICUT APPELLATE COURTwww.jud.ct.govATTENDANCE AT ORAL ARGUMENT JD-AC-2 Rev. 3-18 P.B. 247247 70-4, 71-4, 79a-11 Instructions 1.Complete all information requested and PRINT LEGIBLY.2.This form does not constitute an appearance. If you wish to file a newappearance, contact the Appellate Court clerk.3.Fill out fully, indicating Appellate Court docket number, name of case,and your name and address, including zip code.4.Give form to clerk in Appellate Court courtroom on date of argument.Name of Case Plaintiff Defendant Appellate Court docket number Counsel or Self-Represented Party Arguing the Case Name of counsel or self-represented party (include title if appropriate) Address of counsel or self-represented party Telephone number E-mail address Note: Notice of release of decisions will be given by e-mail only to the e-mail address listed. Accompanying Counsel Counsel or Self-Represented Party on Brief Name(s) (include title(s) if appropriate) Appellant(s) Cross appellant(s) Appellee(s) Cross appellee(s) All plaintiffs The following plaintiff(s) only: All defendants Amicus Curiae The State of Connecticut Other: The following defendant(s) only:ADA NOTICE The Judicial Branch of the State of Connecticut complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you need a reasonable accommodation in accordance with the ADA, contact a court clerk or an ADA contact person listed at