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United States Bankruptcy CourtDistrict of ConnecticutIn re: Debtor* Case Number: Chapter: 7 Movant(s)v. ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO AVOID LIENS PURSUANT TO 11 U.S.C. 247 522(f) In connection with the Debtor's Motion to Avoid Liens pursuant to 11 U.S.C. 247 522(f) (the "Motion", ECF No.), after notice and a hearing, see 11 U.S.C 247 102(1), and in compliance with the Court's Contested MatterProcedure, and there being no objection filed to the Motion, it having been represented in the Motion that:1.On the date of the commencement of this case, April 11, 2005, the fair market value of the Debtor'sresidence and real property located at 1 Love Lane, Manchester, CT (the "Property"), was $123,000.00;2.The Debtor is entitled to and "could claim", see 11 U.S.C. 247 522(f)(1) and (2)(A), an exemption with respectto the Property under 11 U.S.C. 247247 522(b) or Connecticut General Statute 52-352b(t) in the amount of $2,750.00; and3.All encumbrances filed against the Property are set forth in the Motion; it is herebyORDERED: The Motion is granted insofar as the fixing of the following liens on the Debtor's interest in theProperty are avoided pursuant to 11 U.S.C. 247 522(f): A.First encumbrancei.Name of encumbrance holder:ii.Type of encumbrance:iii.Recording information:a.Volume:b.Page:c.City/Town:iv.Amount of encumbrance:B.Second encumbrancei.Name of encumbrance holder:ii.Type of encumbrance: iii.Recording information:a.Volume:52 American LegalNet, Inc. b.Page:c.City/Town:iv.Amount of encumbrance: ; and it is furtherORDERED: If the Debtor's case is dismissed, any and all liens avoided by this Order shall be reinstated under11 U.S.C. 247 349 without further order of this Court . United States Bankruptcy CourtDistrict of Connecticut450 Main Street, 7th FloorHartford, CT 06103 *For the purposes of this order, "Debtor" means "Debtors" where applicable. American LegalNet, Inc.