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SECRETARY OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT MAILING ADDRESS: COMMERCIAL RECORDING DIVISION, CONNECTICUT SECRETARY OF THE STATE, P.O. BOX 150470, HARTFORD, CT 06115-0470 DELIVERY ADDRESS: COMMERCIAL RECORDING DIVISION, CONNECTICUT SECRETARY OF THE STATE, 30 TRINITY STREET, HARTFORD, CT 06106 PHONE: 860-509-6003 WEBSITE: CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION STOCK CORPORATION USE INK. COMPLETE ALL SECTIONS. PRINT OR TYPE. ATTACH 81/2 X 11 SHEETS IF NECESSARY. FILING PARTY (CONFIRMATION WILL BE SENT TO THIS ADDRESS): FILING FEE: $250 INCLUDES FRANCHISE TAX UP TO 20,000 SHARES MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO "SECRETARY OF STATE" NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: 1. NAME OF CORPORATION: 2. TOTAL NUMBER OF AUTHORIZED SHARES: IF THE CORPORATION HAS MORE THAN ONE CLASS OF SHARES, IT MUST DESIGNATE EACH CLASS AND THE NUMBER OF SHARES AUTHORIZED WITHIN EACH CLASS BELOW. CLASS: NUMBER OF SHARES PER CLASS: 3. TERMS, LIMITATIONS, RELATIVE RIGHTS AND PREFERENCES OF EACH CLASS OF SHARES AND SERIES THEREOF PURSUANT TO CONN. GEN. STAT. SECTION 33-665: PAGE 1 OF 3 FORM CIS-1-1.0 Rev. 1/1/2015 American LegalNet, Inc. 4. APPOINTMENT OF REGISTERED AGENT:[PLEASE SELECT ONLY ONE (A OR B) AND PRINT OR TYPE NAME OF AGENT.] A. INDIVIDUAL'S AGENT NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: (P.O.BOX UNACCEPTABLE) ADDRESS: RESIDENCE ADDRESS: (P.O.BOX UNACCEPTABLE) ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: CITY: STATE: ZIP: B. BUSINESS ENTITY: ADDRESS: (P.O.BOX UNACCEPTABLE) ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: ACCEPTANCE OF APPOINTMENT SIGNATURE OF AGENT: 5. ELECTION OF BENEFIT CORPORATION STATUS (MUST check box if applicable.): The Corporation elects to be a Benefit Corporation. In addition to any other stated purposes for which the corporation is formed, the corporation shall also have the purpose to create a general public benefit as defined in the Connecticut Benefit Corporation Act. [NOTE: If the corporation also seeks to have one or more specific public benefit(s) in addition to the general public benefit, then the corporation must set forth the specific public benefit(s), if any, in Box 6, below, under "Other Provisions".] 6. OTHER PROVISIONS: 7. CORPORATION EMAIL ADDRESS - REQUIRED: (IF NONE, MUST STATE "NONE.") PAGE 2 OF 3 FORM CIS-1-1.0 Rev. 1/1/2015 American LegalNet, Inc. 8. EXECUTION: CERTIFICATE MUST BE SIGNED BY EACH INCORPORATOR DATED THIS DAY OF ,20 NAME OF INCORPORATOR(S) (print or type) ADDRESS: ADDRESS SIGNATURE(S) CITY: STATE: ZIP: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PAGE 3 OF 3 FORM CIS-1-1.0 Rev. 1/12015 American LegalNet, Inc. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF THE CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION STOCK CORPORATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. NAME OF CORPORATION: Please provide the name of the corporation. The name of the corporation must contain one of the following designations: "corporation", "incorporated", "company" "Societa per Azioni", or "limited", or the abbreviation "corp.", "inc.", "co.", "S.p.A.", or "ltd.", or words or abbreviations of like import in another language. The name must also be distinguishable from other business names on the records of the Secretary of the State. 2. TOTAL NUMBER OF AUTHORIZED SHARES: Please provide the total number of shares the corporation is authorized to issue. Refer to Fee Schedule for amount due. 3. TERMS, LIMITATIONS, RELATIVE RIGHTS AND PREFERENCES OF EACH CLASS OF SHARES AND SERIES THEREOF PURSUANT TO CONN. GEN. STAT. SECTION 33-665: Please set forth all information required by section 33-665 as amended for each class of stock authorized in item number 3. 4. APPOINTMENT OF REGISTERED AGENT: The corporation may appoint either a natural person who is a resident of Connecticut; a Connecticut corporation, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or statutory trust; or a foreign corporation, limited liability company, limited liability partnership or statutory trust which has procured a certificate of authority to transact business in Connecticut. Please note the following: if the agent being appointed is a natural person, that person's business address must be provided under the heading Business address Their residence address under the heading Residence address; if the agent appointed is a business, it must provide its principal office under Business address heading; the agent must sign accepting the appointment in the space provided; the signatory must print their name and the capacity under which they sign if signing on behalf of a business; the corporation may not appoint itself as its registered agent and; all addresses must include a street number, street name, city, state, postal code. 5. ELECTION OF BENEFIT CORPORATION STATUS: This box must be checked if the corporation elects to be a Benefit Corporation under the Connecticut Benefit Corporation Act. If the Benefit Corporation has one or more specific public benefit(s), in addition to the required general public benefit, then specific public benefits must be set forth in Box 6 "OTHER PROVISIONS", below Box 5 on the form. 6. OTHER PROVISIONS: Please present in the space provided or on an attachment any information which a stock corporation is permitted but not required to provide. If the corporation is a Benefit Corporation, any specific public benefits (beyond the required general public benefit) must be listed here. 7. CORPORATION EMAIL ADDRESS: REQUIRED. (If none, must state "NONE".) The Secretary must notify entities via email when their Annual Reports are due. 8. EXECUTION: The document must be executed by one or more incorporators, each of whom must provide an address containing a street and number, city, state and a postal code. The execution constitutes legal statement under the penalties of false statement that the information provided in the document is true. INSTRUCTIONS DO NOT SCAN THIS PAGE FORM CIS-1-1.0 Rev. 1/1/2015 American LegalNet, Inc. INCORPORATION OF A CONNECTICUT STOCK CORPORATION We are pleased to enclose the form to incorporate a stock corporation in the State of Connecticut. Note that an Organization & First Report form must also be filed to record the officers and directors of the corporation. The fees for filing the Organization & First Report can be found on the fee schedule. Before filing the forms described above, you may reserve the name you wish for your corporation. **If a name reservation is submitted for filing it would be prudent to wait until after a confirmation of filing has been