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Application For Reservation Of Name Form. This is a Connecticut form and can be use in General Secretary Of State.
Tags: Application For Reservation Of Name, Connecticut Secretary Of State, General
SECRETARY OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT MAILING ADDRESS: COMMERCIAL RECORDING DIVISION, CONNECTICUT SECRETARY OF THE STATE, P.O. BOX 150470, HARTFORD, CT 06115-0470 DELIVERY ADDRESS: COMMERCIAL RECORDING DIVISION, CONNECTICUT SECRETARY OF THE STATE, 30 TRINITY STREET, HARTFORD, CT 06106 PHONE: 860-509-6003 WEBSITE: APPLICATION FOR RESERVATION OF NAME FOR DOMESTIC OR FOREIGN STOCK & NONSTOCK CORP, LLC, LP, LLP & STATUTORY TRUST C.G.S. �� 33-655; 33-656; 33-925; 33-1045; 33-1046; 33-1215; 34-13; 34-13a; 34-38i; 34-102; 34-103;34-227; 34-406; 34-407; 34-506; 34-535 USE INK. COMPLETE ALL SECTIONS. PRINT OR TYPE. ATTACH 81/2 X 11 SHEET(S) IF NECESSARY. FILING PARTY (CONFIRMATION WILL BE SENT TO THIS ADDRESS): FILING FEE: $60 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO "SECRETARY OF THE STATE" NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY APPLIES FOR RESERVATION OF THE FOLLOWING NAME: 1. NAME TO BE RESERVED - REQUIRED: (MUST INCLUDE APPROPRIATE BUSINESS DESIGNATION I.E., L.L.C., INC, ETC.) 2. NAME OF THE APPLICANT - REQUIRED: 3. ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: (COMPLETE ADDRESS REQUIRED. STREET NAME, CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE.) ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: 4. EXECUTION - REQUIRED: (SUBJECT TO PENALTY OF FALSE STATEMENT) DATED THIS NAME OF APPLICANT (print/type) DAY OF CAPACITY/TITLE OF APPLICANT (print name and title if applicable) , 20 SIGNATURE THE RESERVATION WILL BE EFFECTIVE FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS FROM FILE DATE. FILE DATE IS DAY ONE. AT THE END OF THE 12OTH DAY, THE NAME RESERVATION EXPIRES PAGE 1 OF 1 FORM CNR-1-1.0 Rev. 11/2012 APPLICATION FOR RESERVATION OF NAME For Domestic or Foreign Stock & Non-Stock Corp, LLC, LP, LLP & Statutory Trust C.G.S. �� 33-655; 33-656; 33-925; 33-1045; 33-1046; 33-1215; 34-13; 34-13a;34-38i;34-102; 34-103;34-227; 34-406; 34-407; 34-506; 34-535 FILING FEE: $60.00 Make checks payable to "Secretary of the State" INSTRUCTIONS 1. NAME: Please provide the name which you intend to reserve. You may reserve for exclusive use the name of one of the following types of business organizations or entities: A corporation (stock & non-stock), limited liability company, limited partnership, limited liability partnership or statutory trust. The name which you reserve must contain the appropriate statutory designation which denotes the type of entity or organization for which the name is intended to be used. Choose a statutory designation from the selection below according to organization type and include it within the name as it appears in block 1 on the form. CORPORATE DESIGNATIONS The name of a corporation must contain one of the following designations: corporation, incorporated, company, Societa per Azioni, limited or the abbreviations corp., inc., co., S.p.A. or ltd. LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY DESIGNATIONS The name of a limited liability company must contain one of the following designations: Limited Liability Company, L.L.C., LLC, Limited Liability Co., Ltd. Liability Company or Ltd. Liability Co. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP DESIGNATIONS The name of a Limited Partnership must contain, without abbreviation; the words limited partnership. LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP DESIGNATIONS The name of a limited liability partnership must contain one of the following designations: Registered Limited Liability Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership, L.L.P., or LLP as its last words or letters. STATUTORY TRUST DESIGNATION The name of a statutory trust must contain one of the following designations: Statutory Trust, Limited Liability Trust, Limited, LLT, L.L.T., or Ltd. 2. NAME OF APPLICANT: Please print or type the name of the applicant. 3. ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Please provide the street address of the applicant including street number, street name, city, state and postal code. 4. EXECUTION: Please print or type the complete legal name of the signatory, title (if signing on behalf of an entity) and signature. Note that the execution constitutes a statement made under the penalties of false statement that the information provided in the document is true. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE STATE MAILING ADDRESS: COMMERCIAL RECORDING DIVISION CONNECTICUT SECRETARY OF THE STATE P.O. BOX 150470 HARTFORD, CT 06115-0470 DELIVERY ADDRESS: COMMERCIAL RECORDING DIVISION CONNECTICUT SECRETARY OF THE STATE 30 TRINITY STREET HARTFORD, CT 06106 PHONE: 860-509-6003 WEBSITE: INSTRUCTIONS DO NOT SCAN THIS PAGE FORM CNR-1-1.0