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Change Of Agents Address (Domestic Or Foreign All Entities) Form. This is a Connecticut form and can be use in Statutory Trust Secretary Of State.
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Tags: Change Of Agents Address (Domestic Or Foreign All Entities), Connecticut Secretary Of State, Statutory Trust
Domestic or Foreign
All Entities
C.G.S. §§ 33-661; 33-927; 33-1051; 33-1217; 34-13b;
34-38p; 34-104; 34-224; 34-408; 34-429;
34-507; 34-532
FILING FEE: $25.00
[EXCEPTION $10.00 Filing Fee for
Non-Stock (Non-Profit) Corporations
& Limited Partnerships]
Make checks payable to “Secretary of the State”
Website Address:
Telephone Number: (860) 509-6003
Mailing Address: Connecticut Secretary of the State, Commercial Recording Division P.O. Box 150470, Hartford, CT
Courier Delivery Address ONLY:
(i.e. FedEx, UPS, etc.) 30 Trinity Street, Hartford, CT 06106
USE INK. COMPLETE ALL SECTIONS. PRINT OR TYPE. (Attach 8 ½ X 11 sheet if necessary)
1. Name of business entity-REQUIRED- Include business designation i.e. L.L.C., LLC, Inc, etc.
2. State/Country of formation if other than Connecticut-REQUIRED, if applicable:
3. Current agent name-REQUIRED: (Print or type
name of agent)
Business address: (No P.O. Boxes)
Residence address: (No P.O. Boxes)
4. Execution-REQUIRED: (Subject to penalty of false statement)
Print or type Name of Signatory:
Capacity/Title of Signatory: Signature/Date:
An annual report will be due yearly in the anniversary month that the entity was formed/
registered and can be easily filed online @
Contact your tax advisor or the Taxpayer Service Center at the Department of Revenue
Services as to any potential tax liability relating to your business, including questions about
the Business Entity Tax.
Taxpayer Service Center: (800) 382-9463 or (860) 297-5962 or go to
Revised 06/19/09
American LegalNet, Inc.
Domestic or Foreign
All Entities
Filing Fee: $25.00
[EXCEPTION $10.00 Filing Fee for Non-Stock (non-Profit) Corporations &
Limited Partnerships]
Make checks payable to “Secretary of the State”
1. Name of business entity: Please provide the name of the business
entity as it appears on the records of the Secretary of the State.
2. State/Country of formation: Please provide the business entitiy’s state
or country of formation.
3. Current agent name and new address information: This form may not
be used to appoint a NEW agent. Please provide the name of the
CURRENT agent.
If the agent is a natural person, provide the
complete street address of his or her business and CT residence. (If
no business address, MUST state “NONE”.) If the agent is a business
entity, it must provide the address of its principal office in the block
designated for "Business address" and any person signing on its behalf
must include his or her title on the signature line.
4. Execution: The document must be executed/signed by an authorized
official of the business entity. That person must print or type his/her
name, state the capacity/title under which he/she signs and provide a
signature. The execution constitutes a legal statement under the
penalties of false statement that the information provided in the
document is true.
Revised 9/29/08
American LegalNet, Inc.