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Transcript Order NonAppeal Form. This is a Connecticut form and can be use in Administrative Statewide.
Tags: Transcript Order NonAppeal, JD-ES-262, Connecticut Statewide, Administrative
TRANSCRIPT ORDER 226 NON-APPEAL JD-ES-262 Rev. 7-19 C.G.S. 247247 51-63, 52-259bSTATE OF CONNECTICUT SUPERIOR COURT COURT REPORTER'S OFFICE Instructions to person ordering a transcript 1. Fill out this entire form except for the 223For Official Use Only224 section. If the form is not filled out completely, it will be returned to you. 2. Mail, fax, or hand-deliver this form to the Court Reporter's Office in the Judicial District where the hearing was held.Note: If you need a transcript for an appeal, you must use form JD-ES-38, available from the Clerk's Office, Court Service Center, or at Today's date Name of case Docket number (If known) Name of Judge/Magistrate/Arbitrator Name of Court Reporter/Monitor (If known) Specific date(s) being ordered (Month/day/year) Specific portion(s) of proceedings requested (For example, a witness, the entire day, orders only, etc.) Name of ordering party Telephone number Address of ordering party E-mail addressIndicate below your transcript delivery preference and whether you are seeking the rate for State or Municipal Officials. Please note that the rates charged for transcripts are set under section 51-63(c) of the Connecticut General Statutes. Regular - Processed in the order of receipt. Standard Expedited - Delivered by the end of business (by 5:00 p.m.) on the 5th business day after the order was placed. Next Day Expedited - Delivered by the end of the next business day (by 5:00 p.m.) after the order was placed. No fee - Check this box only if the court has granted your application for waiver of fees and attach a copy of the court's order to this form. See form JD-CV-120 (civil, housing, small claims fee waiver), form JD-CR-73 (criminal fee waiver), form JD-FM-75 (family fee waiver), or form JD-JM-114 (juvenile fee waiver). An expedited transcript will not be produced unless you specifically asked for it in connection with your application for waiver of fees and the court granted it. State or Municipal Official Expedited*Regular Standard Next Day Next Morning Private Party (must also pay applicable sales tax) $3.00 per page (Except for transcript pages already produced, in which case the rate is $1.75 per page) $4.75 per page (Except for transcript pages already produced, in which case the rate is $3.50 per page) $6.35 per page (Except for transcript pages already produced, in which case the rate is $4.60 per page) $10.00 per page (Except for transcript pages already produced, in which case the rate is $5.75 per page) State or Municipal Official $2.00 per page (Except for transcript pages already produced, in which case the rate is $0.75 per page) $3.50 per page (Except for transcript pages already produced, in which case the rate is $1.25 per page) $4.45 per page (Except for transcript pages already produced, in which case the rate is $1.55 per page) $6.75 per page (Except for transcript pages already produced, in which case the rate is $2.00 per page) *Expedited delivery may not be possible in some cases. Check here if you would like us to contact you with an estimate of the cost, or an estimated delivery date, or both. ADA NOTICE The Judicial Branch of the State of Connecticut complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you need a reasonable accommodation in accordance with the ADA, contact a court clerk or an ADA contact person listed at Next Morning Expedited - Delivered by 9:00 a.m. the next business day after the order was placed, provided the request is made to the Court Reporter's Office by 3:00 p.m. on the prior business day.The rate for State and Municipal Officials applies to any official of the state, or any of its agencies, boards or commissions or of any municipality of the state, acting in his or her official capacity. Signature of ordering party Date signed To Initials Date received American LegalNet, Inc.