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en-USForm CT-706/709 EXTen-USApplication for Estate and Gift Tax Return Filing en-USExtension and Estate Tax Payment Extensionen-US2018en-USCT-706/709 EXT Taxpayers must sign declaration on reverse side. � Complete return in blue or black ink only. en-USMailing address (number and street, apartment number, suite number, PO Box)en-USen-US en-US(en-USIf town is two words, leave a space between the words.en-US)en-USStateen-USZIP codeen-USDepartment of Revenue Servicesen-USState of Connecticuten-US(Rev. 06/18)en-US706709EXT 0618W 01 9999en-USSocial Security Numberen-USen-USMIen-USLast name (If two last names, insert a space between names.) Mailing address (number and street, apartment number, suite number, PO Box) en-USen-US en-US(en-USIf town is two words, leave a space between the words.en-US)en-USStateen-USZIP codeen-USFirm name en-USFiduciary222s name and addressen-USAttention, care of, of estate representative (if applicable) en-USSection 1 - Gift Tax Extension Requesten-USIf the donor died during the calendar year, skip en-USSection 1en-US and complete en-USSection 2en-US. Otherwise, complete en-USSection 1en-US for gift tax en-USpurposes en-USonlyen-US.en-USBy completing en-USSection 1en-USen-USsix-month extension of time to report your Connecticut taxable gifts for the calendar year.en-USen-USof Time to File Form 709 and/or Payment of Gift/Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax or federal Form 4868 Application en-USfor Automatic Extension of Time To File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, in the calendar year.en-US � en-USen-USen-USen-US 1. � en-USConnecticut gift tax liabilityen en-USYou must enter a whole dollar amount. If you do not expect to have a gift taxen-US liability, enter 2230.224 � en-US 1. � . en-US00 en-USFor Estate Tax Extension Request, complete Section 2 on Page 2.en-USAll requests must be signed.en-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-US American LegalNet, Inc. en-USDeclaration:en-US I declare under penalty of law that I have examined this return (including any accompanying schedules and statements) and, to the best of en-USen-USen-USinformation of which the preparer has any knowledge.en-USSign en-USHereen-USKeep aen-US en-UScopy ofen-US en-USthis returnen-USfor youren-USrecords. en-USForm CT-706/709en-US en-USen-US en-US(Rev. 06/18)en-USen-USDonor or decedent222s SSN � � Paid preparer222s or authorized estate representative222s signature � Date (MMDDYYYY) � Telephone number Print preparer222s name � Preparer222s SSN or PTIN � Firm222s Federal Employer ID Number en-USFirm222s name, address, and ZIP code en-USen-USen-USSection 2 - Estate Tax Extension Request en-USDecedent222s date of en-USdeath en-US(MMDDYYYY)en-USen-USBy completing en-USSection 2en-USen-USForm CT-706/709en-US, en-USConnecticut en-USEstate and Gift Tax Returnen-US, pay Connecticut estate tax, or both.en-USCheck the appropriate box(es):en-USExtension of Time to File - en-USen-USExtension of Time to Pay -en-USen-USAttach a statement of reasonable cause.en-USen-USFile a Return and/or Pay U.S. Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Taxes.en-US � en-USen-USen-USen-US � en-USConnecticut estate tax liabilityen You must enter a whole dollar amount. � en-US � en-US00 en-USen-USen-USPage 2 American LegalNet, Inc. en-USComplete this application in blue or black ink only.en-USen-US en-USen-USWhen to Fileen-USForm CT-706/709 EXTen-US, en-USApplication for Estate and Gift Tax Return en-USFiling Extension and Estate Tax Payment Extension,en-US must be en-USen-USForm en-USCT-706/709en-US, en-USConnecticut Estate and Gift Tax Returnen-US. If the due en-USdate falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the return will en-USen-USWhere to Fileen-US � Department of Revenue Services en-US en-USState of Connecticuten-US en-USen-US en-USen-USFor estate tax extension only mail a copy of this form to the en-USprobate court for the district in which the decedent was domiciled. en-USIf the decedent was not domiciled in Connecticut, mail a copy of en-USthis form to the probate court for the district in which Connecticut en-USproperty is located.en-USKeep a copy of this form for your records.en-USPayment Informationen-USMake check payable to Commissioner of Revenue Services. To en-USensure payment is applied to your account, write en-US2232018 Form en-USCT-706/709 EXT224en-US and the donor222s or the decedent222s Social en-USSecurity Number (SSN), optional, on the front of the check. Be en-USsure to sign the check and paper clip it to the front of your return. en-USDo not send cash. The Department of Revenue Services (DRS) en-USmay submit your check to your bank electronically.en-USInterest and Penaltyen-USen-USinterest charges. en-USThe penalty for underpayment of the tax is 10% of the tax not en-USpaid on or before the original due date of the return. Interest is en-UScharged at the rate of 1% per month from the due date of the en-UStax return.en-USThe Commissioner of Revenue Services may impose a $50 en-USen-USen-USSection 1 - Gift Tax Extension Requesten-USComplete this sectionen-US en-USen-USForm CT-706/709.en-USen-USnot necessary to include a reason for the Connecticut extension en-USen-USen-USis reasonable cause.en-USHow to Request an Extension of Time to File a Gift en-USTax Returnen-USTen-USen-US must:en-US225 � en-USComplete Form CT-706/709 EXT, en-USSection 1en-US; 225 � Sign the Declaration; en-USCT-706/709 EXT Instructions (Rev. 06/18)en-USForm CT-706/709 EXT Instructions 225 � Pay the amount shown on Line 1; en-USand 225 � File the completed Form CT-706/709 EXT on or before the en-USdue date of Form CT-706/709. en-USen-USForm CT-706/709 EXT only extends the time to file your en-USConnecticut estate and gift tax return; it does not extend the en-UStime to pay your gift tax.en-USGift Tax Extension Due Dateen-USen-USen-USthe year following the calendar year in which the gifts were made. Section 2 - Estate Tax Extension Request �� en-USen-USen-USen-USto payen-USen-USen-USen-USthe decedent222s date of death.en-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-US en-USen-USto pay, or both, but you must attach a statement of reasonable en-UScauseen-US.en-USHow to Request an Extension of Time to File the Estate en-USTax Return or an Extension of Time to Pay the Estate en-USTax, or Bothen-US225 � en-USComplete Form CT-706/709 EXT, en-USSection 2en-US;en-US225 � en-USEnter the decedent222s date of death; 225 � Sign the Declaration; en-US225 � en-US � en-USwritten statement of reasonable cause together with en-USen-USdetail why it is impossible or impractical to pay the full amount en-USof the estate tax on or before the due date; en-US225 � en-USFile the completed Form CT-706/709 EXT and attachment, en-USif applicable, on or before the due date of Form CT-706/709; en-USand 225 � Mail a copy of this form to the applicable probate court. en-USen-USReasonable cause will be determined in accordance with en-USen-USstatement of reasonable cause must be accompanied by en-USen-USextension.en-USWho Must Signen-USThe executor or administrator of the estate en-USmusten-USen-USen-USall en-USmusten-US sign the application.en-USPage 3 American LegalNet, Inc.