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en-US � 1. � en-USen-US You may estimate this amount.en-US en-USAn amount en-USen-US be entered on Line 1. If you do not expect to owe income tax, enter 2230.224 en-US.... � 1. � en-US.00 � 2. � Connecticut income tax withheld. �. ......................................................................................... � 2. � en-US.00 � 3. � 2018 estimated Connecticut income tax payments including any en-US en-US2017 overpayments applied to 2018. �. ................................................................................... � 3. � en-US.00 � 3a. � PE Tax Credit. �. ...................................................................................................................... 3a. � en-US.00 � 4. � Add Lines 2, 3 and 3a. . �. ......................................................................................................... � 4. � en-US.00 � 5. � en-USen-US Subtract Line 4 from Line 1. Pay in full with this form.en-US en-USIf Line 4 is greater than Line 1, enter 2230.224 en-USen-US �. .......................... en-US en-US � 5. � en-US.00en-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USDepartment of Revenue Servicesen-USState of Connecticuten-US(Rev. en-US12/18en-US)en-US1041EXT 1218W 01 9999 en-US Name of trust or estate � Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN) en-US � en-US � � en-US � Read the instructions on reverse before completing this application. Complete this form in blue or black ink only. Type or print. en-USen-US.en-US en-USYou must include payment of any tax due or penalty and interest may apply. See instructions. However, if you expect to owe en-USno en-USen-USConnecticut income tax for the 2018 taxable year, after taking into account any Connecticut income tax withheld from your wages, any estimated Connecticut income tax en-USpayments you have made, any PE Tax Credit and youen-USen-USen-USen-US. en-USen-US I declare under the penalty of law that I have examined this return and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, complete, and correct.en-US en-USen-USen-USen-USKeen-USep aen-US en-UScopy ofen-US en-USthis returnen-USforen-USyouren-USrecoren-USds.en-USSigna � en-US(MM-DD-YYYY) � Telephone number � en-US(MM-DD-YYYY) � � � en-US � � � en-USI request a en-USen-US of time to en-USen-USen-US trusts and estates for calendar year 2018, or until � en-US(MM-DD-YYYY)en-USen-US en-USending en-US � en-US(MM-DD-YYYY)en-US. � I have requested a federal extension on federal Form 7004, Application for Automatic Extension of Time to en-US � en-US en-US beginning � en-US(MM-DD-YYYY) and ending � en-US(MM-DD-YYYY)en-US. If you have not en-USen-USCheck en-UShere Visit the Department of Revenue Services (DRS) en-USen-US (TSC)en-US en-USwebsite at en-USen-USen-UStax payment or to download and print the return.en-USen-US American LegalNet, Inc. en-US 3. � Pay the amount shown on Line 5. en-USDRS will notify you en-USen-USif your request is denied.en-USForm CT-1041 EXTen-USen-USextends the en-USen-US en-USthe Connecticut en-USincome tax return. Form CT-1041 EXTen-US en-USen-USextend the en-UStime en-USto pay the income tax.en-USTrust or estates may qualify for a six-month extension of en-USen-US en-USen-US, en-USApplication for Extension of Time for Payment of en-USIncome Taxen-US,en-US en-USen-USor extension request.en-USen-USen-US In general, interest applies to any portion of the tax not en-USpaid on or before the original due date of the return.en-USIf the tax is not paid when due, the trust or estate will owe interest en-USat the rate of 1% per month or fraction of a month until the tax is en-USpaid in full. en-USen-US The penalty for underpayment of tax is en-US10% of the tax not paid on or before the original due date of the en-USreturn.en-USen-US The Commissioner of Revenue Services en-USen-USen-USen-USFile Form CT-1041 EXT on or before April 15, 2019. If the en-UStaxable year is other than the calendar year, file Formen en-USen-USfollowing the close of the taxable year. If the due date falls on a en-USSaturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, your extension request will be en-USen-USen-USThe following information must be provided when completingen-US en-USen-US1 . � Name of the trust or estate; 2. � FEIN of the trust or estate; � � en-US 5. � Decedent en-US222en-USs Social Security Number (SSN) for estates only.en-USen-USen-USthis form.en-USen-USA paid preparer must sign and date Form CT-1041 EXT. Paid en-USen-USen-US222en-USs FEIN in the spaces provided.en-USen-USen-USbehalf.en-USen-UScause to sign a request for an extension, any person standing in a en-USen-USattorneys, accountants, and enrolled agents, may sign the request en-USon his or her behalf and is considered a duly authorized agent for en-USthis purpose provided the request establishes the reasons for a en-USen-USen-US.en-USen-USen-USUse en-USen-USto request a en-USen-USen-US your Connecticut income tax return en-USfor trusts and estates. Complete the return in blue or black ink en-USonly. It is not necessary to include a reason for the Connecticut en-USen-US en-USfederal Form 7004 with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). If en-USen-USen-USprovided there is reasonable cause for the request.en-USen-USIf you expect to owe no additional Connecticut income tax for the en-US2018 taxable year, after taking into account any Connecticut income en-UStax withheld, any estimated Connecticut income tax payments you en-UShave made and any PE Tax Credit and you have requested an en-USen-USen-USen-USThe Department of Revenue Services (DRS) does not process en-USincome tax returns for trusts and estates without an FEIN. You en-USen-USa return. However, if you have not received the FEIN by April 15 en-USen-USmonth following the close of the taxable year for noncalendar en-USen-USDRS will contact you upon receipt of the return and will hold the en-USreturn until you receive the FEIN and forward the information to en-USDRS. For information on how to obtain an FEIN, contact the IRS. en-USSee the back cover of the Form CT-1041 instruction booklet.en-USen-USen-US: en-USen-USthrough the DRS en-USen-US en-US(TSC)en-US. The en-USTSCen-US allows taxpayers to electronically en-USen-USVisit en-USen-US to make electronic en-USen-USelectronically, you are expected to pay electronically at the time en-USen-USen-US � Department of Revenue Services � State of Connecticut � � Hartford CT 06104-2934 en-USen-USMake check payable toen-USen-USen-USTo ensure payment is applied to your account, write en-USthe FEIN of the trust or estate anden-USen-USon the front of the check. DRS may submit your check to your en-USbank electronically.en-USen-US Visit en-USen-US to make a direct en-UStax payment. Using this option authorizes DRS to electronically en-USwithdraw a payment from your bank account (checking or savings) en-USon a date you select up to the due date. If you pay electronically, en-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-US 1. � Complete Form CT-1041 EXT in its entirety; 2. � File it on or before the due date of the return; en-USen-US American LegalNet, Inc.