Divorce Decree (Decree Of Dissolution Nonadversarial Dissolution Of Marriage)
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Divorce Decree (Decree Of Dissolution Nonadversarial Dissolution Of Marriage) Form. This is a Connecticut form and can be use in Family Statewide.
Tags: Divorce Decree (Decree Of Dissolution Nonadversarial Dissolution Of Marriage), JD-FM-246, Connecticut Statewide, Family
DIVORCE DECREE (DECREE OF DISSOLUTION - NONADVERSARIAL DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE) JD-FM-246 New 10-15 P.A. 15-7 STATE OF CONNECTICUT SUPERIOR COURT JUDICIAL BRANCH ADA NOTICE The Judicial Branch of the State of Connecticut complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you need a reasonable accommodation in accordance with the ADA, contact a court clerk or an ADA contact person listed at www.jud.ct.gov/ADA. At (Town) www.jud.ct.gov For Court Use only NADJFIL *NADJFIL* Docket number Judicial District of Name of Judge Date of judgment Name of Petitioner A (Last, First, Middle Initial) Name of Petitioner B (Last, First, Middle Initial) Address of Petitioner B (Number, street, town, state, and zip code) Address of Petitioner A (Number, street, town, state, and zip code) 1. A joint petition asking for a divorce (dissolution of marriage) and other relief was filed in this court on (date) . 2. Both petitioners have attested, under oath, that the necessary conditions required for the entry of a nonadversarial divorce decree (decree of dissolution) have been met. 3. The Court in this case considered the evidence and finds the following: Petitioner A, married Petitioner B, on at and, if applicable, entered into a civil union that merged into a marriage by subsequent ceremony or by operation of law on at . 4. "X" one: At least one petitioner has lived in Connecticut for at least 12 months immediately before the filing of this joint petition or before the divorce will become final. At least one petitioner lived in Connecticut at the time of the marriage, moved away, and then returned to Connecticut, planning to live here permanently. The marriage broke down after at least one petitioner moved to Connecticut. 5. A divorce is granted based on the joint petition because the marriage has broken down irretrievably. 6. ("X" if it applies) The court finds that the agreement between the parties is fair and equitable. Based on these facts, the court hereby dissolves the marriage of the petitioners and declares each petitioner to be single and unmarried. The court further orders: is attached and its terms are The written agreement between the petitioners dated incorporated by reference. A name change to the birth or former name for Petitioner A to A name change to the birth or former name for Petitioner B to Other By the Court (Full name of Judge) Signed (Judge/Assistant Clerk) Print name of person signing at left Date of judgment American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com