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Motion For Notice By Publication Or Mail In Family Cases Form. This is a Connecticut form and can be use in Family Statewide.
Tags: Motion For Notice By Publication Or Mail In Family Cases, JD-FM-167, Connecticut Statewide, Family
MOTION FOR ORDER OF NOTICE IN FAMILY CASES JD-FM-167 Rev. 2-11 C.G.S. � 46b-46 P.B. �� 11-4, 25-28 Court Use Only STATE OF CONNECTICUT SUPERIOR COURT www MFORNOT *MFORNOT* The Judicial Branch of the State of Connecticut complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you need a reasonable accommodation in accordance with the ADA, contact a court clerk or an ADA contact person listed at Judicial District of Plaintiff's name (Last, first, middle initial) At (Town) Docket number (if any) Defendant's name (Last, first, middle initial) Return date, if applicable (Month, day, year) Party to be notified (Check one) Plaintiff Defendant 1. In this court case I am requesting: (Check all that apply) Divorce (dissolution of marriage) Dissolution of Civil Union Legal separation Custody of children Annulment Visitation with children Other (specify) 2. (Check one) The party to be notified lives out of state at: (Number, street, town, state, zip code) Therefore, I ask the court's permission to serve the party to be notified by registered or certified mail (to be done by a State Marshal or other proper officer) or by an authorized person in the state where the party to be notified lives, or to make such other order of notice as the court deems reasonable. If this motion accompanies a complaint for divorce (dissolution of marriage), complaint for dissolution of civil union, legal separation or annulment, or an application for custody or visitation, the defendant or respondent, when served, will be subject to automatic court orders which are attached to the complaint or application. The current address of the party to be notified is not known and all reasonable efforts to find him/her have failed: I have made the following efforts ("X" all that apply) : contacted directory assistance contacted relatives/friends of the party contacted current/previous employer(s) of the party other (specify): The last known address of the party to be notified was: (Number, street, town, state, zip code) Therefore, I ask the Court's permission to publish notice of this case in the local newspaper named below or to make such other order of notice as the court deems reasonable. in (town, state) (Local newspaper chosen must circulate in the town of the last known address of the party to be notified.) Signature (Attorney or self-represented party) Address (Number, street, town or city, state, zip code) Print name of person signing Date signed Telephone number (Area code first) Print Form Reset Form American LegalNet, Inc.