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Notice Of Changed Condition Nonadversarial Divorce (Dissolution Of Marriage) Form. This is a Connecticut form and can be use in Family Statewide.
Tags: Notice Of Changed Condition Nonadversarial Divorce (Dissolution Of Marriage), JD-FM-244, Connecticut Statewide, Family
NOTICE OF CHANGED CONDITION - NONADVERSARIAL DIVORCE (DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE) JD-FM-244 Rev. 10-18 C.G.S. 247 46b-44a P.A. 18-75 For Court Use onlyNADCCONSTATE OF CONNECTICUT SUPERIOR COURT JUDICIAL BRANCH 1. The marriage is no longer broken down irretrievably; Judicial District of At (Town) Docket number Name of Petitioner A (Last, First, Middle Initial) Name of Petitioner B (Last, First, Middle Initial) ADA NOTICE The Judicial Branch of the State of Connecticut complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you need a reasonable accommodation in accordance with the ADA, contact a court clerk or an ADA contact person listed at Instructions: After the filing of the joint petition and before the court enters a divorce decree, if a change occurs to any of the conditions listed below, one or both of the petitioners shall notify the court immediately of the changed condition. After filing this form, the petitioners may be required to appear in court at a later date to determine the status of the joint petition. Address of Petitioner A (Number, street, town, state, and zip code) Address of Petitioner B (Number, street, town, state, and zip code) Phone number of Petitioner B Phone number of Petitioner A Petitioner B Petitioner A("X" one or both)changes in the original conditions of the joint petition: (223X224 all that apply)is providing notice to the court of the following change or 2. The duration of the marriage exceeds 9 years; 3. A petitioner is pregnant; 4. A child or children was or were born to or adopted by the petitioners prior to, or during, the marriage; 5. A petitioner has an interest in or title to real property; 6. The total combined fair market value of all property owned by either petitioner, less any amount owed, is more than $80,000; 9. Another action for dissolution of marriage or civil union, legal separation or annulment is pending in this state or in a foreign jurisdiction; or 10. A restraining order, issued pursuant to section 46b-15 of the Connecticut General Statutes, or a protective order, issued pursuant to section 46b-38c of the Connecticut General Statutes, between the petitioners is in effect. 7. A petitioner has a defined benefit pension plan; 8. A petitioner has a pending petition for relief under the United States Bankruptcy Code; Date signed Name and address of the party that copy was mailed or delivered to Signature of Petitioner A Signature of Petitioner B Date signed (To be completed only if both petitioners have not signed this form)I certify that a copy of this document was or will immediately be mailed or delivered electronically or non-electronically onCertification to the other joint petitioner and that written consent for electronic delivery was received from all parties Date signed Print name of person signing Signed (Signature of filer)(date) who were or will immediately be electronically served.*NADCCON* American LegalNet, Inc.