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Order Of Notice By Publication Or Mail In Family Cases Form. This is a Connecticut form and can be use in Family Statewide.
Tags: Order Of Notice By Publication Or Mail In Family Cases, JD-FM-168, Connecticut Statewide, Family
Page 1 of 2ORDER OF NOTICE IN FAMILY CASES JD-FM-168 Rev. 3-18 P.B. 247247 11-6, 11-7, 25-28STATE OF CONNECTICUT SUPERIOR COURT COURT USE ONLY ORONOT *ORONOT*Instructions: To be used with the Motion for Order of Notice form (JD-FM-167). Judicial district of At (Town ) Docket number (If any) Plaintiff's name (Last, first, middle initial) Defendant's name (Last, first, middle initial) Notice To q Party to be notified (Last, first, middle initial) Return date, if applicable (Month/day/year)The Court has reviewed the Motion for Order of Notice and the Complaint/Application/Motion which asks for: divorce (dissolution of marriage) annulment dissolution of civil union visitation with children legal separation other (specify): custody of children Court Order The Court finds that the party to be notified lives out of state at: (Number, street, town, state, zip code)The Court Orders that the party filing the Motion for Order of Notice give notice to the party to be notified by having a State Marshal or other proper officer mail a true and attested copy of the (Check all that apply) : Summons and Complaint plus Notice of Automatic Orders Application for Custody or Visitation and Order to Attend Hearing plus Notice of Automatic Orders Other (specify): and this Order of Notice by registered or certified mail, personal return receipt requested to the party to be notified onor before , or by having some authorized person in the state where the party to be notified livesserve the party and file proof of service with this Court; OR The Court orders that the party filing the Motion for Order of Notice give notice to the party to be notified in thefollowing manner: OR The Court finds that the current address of the party to be notified is unknown and that all reasonable efforts to findhim/her have failed. The Court also finds that the last known address of the party to be notified was: (Number, street, town, state, zip code)The Court Orders that notice be given to the party to be notified by having a State Marshal or other proper officer place alegal notice in: a newspaper circulating in containing a true and attested copy of the Notice on page 2, and, if accompanying a Complaint for divorce (dissolution of marriage), Complaint for dissolution of civil union, legal separation or annulment, or if accompanying an Application for custody or visitation, a statement that Automatic Court Orders have been issued in the case as required by Section 25-5 of the Connecticut Practice Book and are a part of the Complaint/Application on file with the Court.(Check one of the following) The notice should appear before (date) and proof of service shall be filed with this Court. The notice shall appear once a week for two successive weeks commencing on or before (date) and proof of service shall be filed with this Court; OR The Court Orders that notice be given to the party to be notified in the following manner: Clerk/Assistant Clerk Date signed See page 2 for Notice to be published. American LegalNet, Inc. Page 2 of 2 Attention publisher: Set copy in block in one column. Do not include language if a box is not checked. Do not include language in parentheses. Run under Legal Notices. Notice to be PublishedState of Connecticut Judicial district of At (Town ) Docket number (If any) Plaintiff's name (Last, first, middle initial) Defendant's name (Last, first, middle initial)Notice to of parts unknown. A Complaint / Application / Motion has been filed with this court that asks for ("x" all that apply): (Name of person to whom notice is being given) divorce - dissolution of marriage dissolution of civil union legal separation custody of children annulment visitation with children other (specify): with a return date of . (Return date, if applicable (Month/day/year))You are named as a party in this case. To participate in your case, you must file an Appearance, form JD-CL-12, with the court. Failure to file an Appearance in accordance with the law of the State of Connecticut may result in judgment against you or granting of the relief requested by the party who filed the action or motion. You may obtain the Appearance form from any Connecticut Judicial District Court Clerk's Office, Court Service Center, or online at If this notice is to inform you of a divorce, dissolution of civil union, legal separation, annulment, custody, or visitation case, Automatic Court Orders have been issued in this case as required by section 25-5 of the Connecticut Practice Book and are a part of the Complaint / Application on file with the Court. A hearing on this matter has been scheduled for (Date and time of hearing, if applicable)at (Address of court) Signed (Judge/Clerk) Date signed Name of Judge (Print or Type) American LegalNet, Inc.